Jimmy, my husband, may not look like too much on the outside, but I wouldn't trade him for any man on earth. I could talk about him all day long, he's smart, he's strong, he gives me anything I want and he fucks like a machine. Yes, my nerdy husband is the only man that has ever satisfied me in bed. I've had dozens, if not hundreds of men before I met Jim and not one of them ever made me feel the way my Jimmy does. Don't even get the idea that I am some kind of round-heeled slut, I was just looking for the man that could scratch my itch. I haven't even thought of another man since my Honey Jim came along.
When I was in college, I once fucked twelve guys at the same time. Maybe you would call it a gangbang, I prefer to look at it as giving the basketball team the proper motivation. They were all sweet boys and tried their best to see to my needs, but I'm just one of those girls that prefer a belt sander to a vibrator. If you read Cosmo, you'd know that not all of us girls are as sensitive down there as we should be. It's not real common but it happens.
What were we talking about? Oh yes. My mind just seems to go a million different directions sometimes, if I do it again just snap your fingers. That will usually get me back on track. Anywho, all of those cocks coming at me from all different angles didn't do a thing for me. On the other hand, I'll bet I had twelve orgasms the first time that Jim and I screwed. I just can't get enough of my Jimmy, I love him to death.
I read once that nerds make the best lovers because they try much harder. Well, believe me it's true, there was this one time when Jim had his tongue up my ass and three fingers banging away in my sloppy pussy... SNAP! SNAP! I'm sorry was I doing it again? Giggle, I'll tell you about that some other time.
So, back to what I was saying, about four months ago, Jimmy and I were talking about taking a vacation. I wanted to go somewhere warm and sunny and Jim wanted to go someplace to study up on the new computer hardware. I can't believe him sometimes, computers on a vacation, how much fun could that be? Well, believe it or not we figured it out so both of us could be happy.
You guessed it, Las Vegas. There was going to be a big electronics show out there in a few weeks, and who can argue about the sunshine there. This would be perfect for us, I could work on my tan all day while Jimmy does his gigahertz stuff. Then we could have some fun together in the casinos and fuck the rest of the time. I was so excited that I almost spotted, say did I ever tell you about the time Jim and I pissed all over each other? SNAP! Sorry about that.
Jim went online that night and booked us into a really nice hotel with a big pool and a spa, Jimmy is so thoughtful that way. I could get a massage and my nails done while he was networking his RAM in somebody's AGP slot. Did that come out right? I don't know too much about that computer stuff.
We took off the next day to do some shopping for our trip. I wanted to buy a couple of new bathing suits and Jim needed some shorts and casual shirts. The mall on the other side of town has some stores that I wanted to check out. Our first stop was the Bikini Hut, they had the cutest little bikinis that I just had to try on.
I picked out two that I really liked and we took them to the fitting rooms. Jimmy was kind of embarrassed to stand there by himself so I drug him with me into the cubicle with me, this turned out to be a mistake, or not, depending on your point of view. As soon as I pulled the short little dress I was wearing over my head, I felt Frank, as I call Jim's penis, poking me from behind. In the cramped little space with the mirrors on the wall, Jim stood behind me watching me remove my panties. He had a great view in the mirror of my now naked body.
As I bent to pull the bikini bottoms on, I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper. Frank was now lodged snuggly in the crack of my heart shaped ass. All of the moving around to fit in to the Wicked Weasel, only caused Frank to swell to frightening dimensions. Jim had slipped his arms around me, and was teasing my now swollen nipples. I could see the lips of my puffy cootchy reflected in the mirror. The thin material was already soaking wet.
Now I'm not one of those quiet girls while being fucked, I let loose with a scream that would make a banshee blush in shame. Frank had hit the magic spot and bingo, all hell broke loose in that little cubicle. But that didn't stop my Jimmy, he gave me the whole nine yards. When we finally emerged from the fitting room, every single eye in the store was on us.
I walked proudly over to the sales clerk and told her we would take both of the bikinis. You should have seen the look in her eyes as she ran the tags past the scanner, and two big globs of Jimmy's love juice splattered on the counter. She dropped the panties and held her hand up, Jim's goo looked like a spider web stretched between her spread fingers. Not being one to waste a good thing, I took her hand and carefully licked the spunk away. Her eyes rolled back and she hit the floor like a rock.
The senior sales girl ran to the counter and pushed the garments toward me "Just take them, take them away please." Well, I put them in my purse and thanked them for one of the best shopping experiences I had ever had. We stopped at the men's store and picked out a few things for Jim. After the work out in the Bikini Hut we were both starved, we went to the food court to eat.
Jim was eating his Chick-fil-a kid's meal, he loves to collect those little plastic toys. He must have thousands of them by now, he particularly likes the... SNAP! I told you that I could talk about him all day he's so cute, giggle. Well, I was sitting across from Jimmy, licking the mustard from my Hot Dog on a Stick, kind of daydreaming about what I was going to do to Frank when we got home. I was flashing Jimmy a little thigh now and then, and a familiar face came up behind him.
"Lana, oh my god, I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been hiding?" I said, Jimmy's head snapped around so fast that I thought he broke his neck.
"I thought that it was you Jill, god you are still as gorgeous as ever." She said as she sat in the chair next to Jim.
"Are you still with that hunky doctor?" I asked, Jim's mouth was gapping open like he was in shock.
"Yes, we even got married." She was dangling her three-carat diamond ring for me to admire.
"Ooh, that's beautiful."
"So what are you two up to today?"
"Just a little shopping, we needed to pick up a few things for our vacation in a couple of weeks. Jimmy's taking me out to Vegas to work on my tan."
"You're kidding, we're going out there for a medical convention on the twelfth." Jim was looking pretty sick now and I couldn't understand why.
"That's so weird, that's when we'll be there too." Jim suddenly got up and almost ran to the restrooms.
"Is Jim feeling ok, Jill?"
"It must have been the chicken nuggets he ate."
"Well. Anyway we should get together for dinner or something while we're out there."
"Sounds like a plan to me."
"Call me and let me know. I've got to run now."
I waited for Jim to come back to the table. He returned after a few minutes looking a little green. "Are you ok, Honey? You don't look so good, let's get you home." I put Jimmy in bed to rest for a while as soon as we got home.
I took Jimmy some chicken soup, hoping it would make him feel a little better. He was just lying there, staring at the ceiling.
"What's wrong Baby? I've never seen you act like this before, do you want me to call the doctor?"
"NO! No doctors, I'll be ok."
"Are you sure? I'm worried about you. You've been acting pretty strange since we saw Lana this afternoon." I saw him cringe when I mentioned her name.
"Jim, this has something to do with her, doesn't it?"
"What's wrong Baby? Tell me what it is, we've never had any secrets before. What ever it is we can figure it out together. Don't try to keep it inside."
"You always know how to make me feel better, don't you? Look Jill, I got that bad feeling again. You know, like something bad is going to happen. Like my luck is going to shit."
"I don't understand, Jimmy."
"Well, you know Lana and I knew each other before you and I got together."
"Well yeah, we all worked together."
"I sort of knew Lana better than that."
"Baby, just tell me what's going on."
"Well, Lana pressured me into going out with her..."
"But it's ok Jim, you know I wasn't exactly a virgin when we got together. I don't mind if you were ah... well, intimate with her."
"But Jill I would have been a virgin, she ra... well, she forced herself on me. That's kind of what happened when I had to have my, er, uh, last operation. I know it will sound silly, but I think she has been following me lately. And there have been some strange phone calls from her."
"What kind of calls, Jim?"
"Well, really suggestive stuff, like she wants me to meet her for drinks. She keeps turning up where ever I go, like she's stalking me. I'm getting scared, Jill. You're the only good thing that has ever happened to me in my life. I just don't want anything to come between us."
"That goddamned bitch, I'll kill that cunt. She raped you, and now she wants to return to the scene of the crime. Ah, my poor poor baby." I comforted Jim in my arms.
Who ever heard of a woman raping a man? But I do know this, the way Jim's luck runs, if it could happen, it probably would happen to him. Well, that fucking tears it. I'm going to get back at her if it is the last thing I ever do. I didn't get a wink of sleep all night long, but I had a plan to repay that rotten bitch for what she did to my darling Jimmy.
I made arrangements to get together with Lana while we were in Vegas. Considering the fear of doctors that Jimmy had, it was easy to convince her to leave the boys out of our plans. I didn't want him to ever know what I had in mind for that little bitch. My plan was pretty simple, but I could see it working. You all know I'm no rocket scientist, but I did sleep with one once.
We had a wonderful time driving to Las Vegas. Jim was feeling a lot better since I had assured him we didn't have to see Lana. We put the convertible top down on the car and hit the road. The weather was so great that I took off my little dress and started in on my tan a little early. All I was wearing was a string thong, and I had my feet up on the dashboard. The wind felt so good on my pussy, as we drove down the freeway at eighty miles an hour. There must have been fifty trucks following us by the time we arrived in Vegas. I'm so naughty sometimes, Jimmy's had a stiffy for two hundred miles.
After the long drive, we registered at the hotel right away. I was anxious to get a little lovin after the show I'd put on for all of those horny truckers. Jimmy had read my mind, and had me on the bed with my ass in the air the minute the door to our room was closed. He was pumping my wet pussy from behind for all he was worth, god I love my man.
We decided to have a quiet dinner, and returned to the room early to cuddle and rest up from the long day on the road. The next morning, I was laying in bed enjoying the feeling of Jim's love juice running down the crack of my butt. Jimmy woke up early, and just couldn't resist an early morning roll in the hay. He had gone down to the casino after we made love, he wanted to try a new system for gambling he had worked up on his computer. Leaving me to bask in the afterglow of our love.
The door opened and slammed minutes after Jim had left. He was back now looking very pissed off.
"What's the matter Baby?"
"I lost all of my fucking money."
"Already? Didn't your system work?"
"No, I mean I lost ALL of my money. My wallet must have fallen out of my pocket."
"Did you ask somebody if they had found it?"
"What good would that do?"
Jim is the smartest man I know, but he can be so stupid sometimes. I called the front desk and told them what happened, they said they would have security come right up to our room. I convinced Jimmy to take a shower to calm down, he gets so worked up at times. I was looking for something to cover my naked body, and I heard a knock at the door.
I wrapped a towel around myself and went to see who it was. A tall man in a suit was looking at my barley-covered tits. He finally told me he was there to find out about Jim's lost wallet. I gave him all of the information that he needed, his name was Jerry and he told me that he would do everything he could to find it. As I reached to shake his hand the towel dropped, my plump boobs where exposed and I quickly covered them. He told me I had made his day, and told me not to worry.
I joined Jimmy in the shower, and relieved some of his stress. We had barely gotten dressed when I heard someone at the door. There were three men smiling at me, Jerry, the one that had been there earlier handed me Jim's wallet. I'm sure he brought back up with him in case I was still undressed, isn't that sweet of them. Jerry said if I ever need anything to just ask for him by name.
I had promised to go to the electronics exhibit with Jim, it was only for an hour or so. I didn't really see the point, but I had told him I would do it. I wanted to get it over with on the first day, that way I would be free to work on my tan and fix Lana's wagon.
Holy cow!... the convention center was huge. There must have been twenty thousand people crammed into that place. We wandered around for a while, the crowd was difficult to maneuver through. I lost Jimmy's hand at one point, but I knew that it wouldn't be a problem for him to find me. I was wearing a flaming red little tight dress that was Jim's favorite. He gets crazy when he sees me wear it. Just like a bull and a red cape.
While I waited for Jimmy, I saw the coolest little digital camera. It was no bigger than a cell-phone. It took pictures and videos too, but the coolest thing was it was wireless and could send the picture right to your computer. SNAP! ... Oh fuck you and your snap, this is part is important to the story.
So I was checking out this camera, and I couldn't get the guys attention to find out what it costs. Somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me between these curtains that separate the booths. I almost screamed until Jim kissed me hard on the mouth, I told you this dress makes him crazy. There we were, right smack in the middle of that mass of people and Jim went down to his knees.
I hadn't bothered with panties because they give me VPL, you know, visible panty lines. Oh god, he was eating my pussy right then and there. I was getting pretty worked up, and Jim was eating like a starving man. He was driving me wild with his tongue. I grabbed the back of his head and was grinding my bare pussy against his face. I was trying to keep quiet, but after ten minutes of Jim's tongue lashing it was impossible. I was pretty sure that you could have set off a bomb in that place, and no one would hear it over the crowd, so my moaning shouldn't be a problem.
I let out a tiny scream just as my orgasm took me, and I noticed it was now very quiet except for my little scream echoing back to me. Oh my god, the camera. I peeked out from the curtain and forty thousand eyes were focused on the biggest fucking TV screen on the planet. It must have been forty feet high, with a twenty-foot, freshly eaten, pussy not quite covered by a little flaming red dress. Jim and I calmly walked out from behind the curtains and the whole place erupted into applause. I handed the camera to the guy in the booth. He asked me to wait a second, and he grabbed a brand new one off of the display and handed it to Jim. The guy kissed my hand and said something about selling a million of them with our help.
Well, after having sex in front of a live audience of twenty thousand, we called it a day and went back to the hotel. I like to show off as much as the next girl, but this was too much for even me. We had a real nice dinner and a few drinks, back in our room we bopped like bunnies most of the night.
I was at the pool the next morning, just soaking in the hot Nevada sun. I called Lana's room and arranged to meet her at the hotel spa that afternoon for some girl time. After an hour of sun, I was feeling medium rare. I remembered what Jerry had told me the day before, about helping me with anything. No! Not that, giggle, you all have such dirty minds.
I wasn't very familiar with the city, and what I needed wouldn't be in the yellow pages. A city this size would surely have the kind of place I had in mind, and I was pretty sure Jerry could tell me where to find it. I stopped the first security guard I saw, and asked if Jerry was on duty today. He nodded and talked into his radio for a second, Jerry was there in an instant.
"Hi Jerr, I wanted to thank you again for all of your help yesterday."
"Oh believe me, it was my pleasure." He said as his eyes shifted down to my boobs.
"You are a naughty boy, aren't you?"
"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, but they are spectacular."
"Well, thank you, that's sweet of you to notice. But I need a little information, and you said if I needed anything just ask."
"I'm your guy, just tell me what you need."
"Well, it's a little um, delicate. Jerry I'm looking for a sex store, you know, the kind that has a glory hole. Are you familiar with what I mean." He now had a lecherous grin on his face.
"If you're looking to get laid..."
I interrupted him. "No that's not what I need, I appreciate the offer it's so sweet of you. It may be hard for you to understand if I don't tell you the truth, so can I trust you?"
"Of course you can."
"I have a friend, well, she's no friend now. She's trying to seduce my husband, and if it's strange cock she wants I intend to see that she gets more than she can handle."
"Well what does she look like?"
"Jerry, some of this may not be legal, and I don't want to get anyone else involved. I'm not sure how this is all going to turn out yet and you're too sweet to get mixed up in all of this."
I think when I said the word illegal he got the picture. He did tell me about a place that sounded perfect for what I had in mind for Lana. It was a quick cab ride from the hotel just off of the strip. I skipped off to my room, this was going to be a peachy day, just peachy.
Lana and I met at the spa at one o'clock. There were so many choices, from pedicures to facials. We both opted for a massage first, this place really knew how to get a girl relaxed. Champagne was served like water around here, and Lana couldn't get enough of the stuff. We were wrapped only in towels, and led to the tables by two very beautiful, very young, masseuses. I could see that Lana was appreciating the way the girls looked in their skimpy uniforms, this would be so much fun.
I threw caution to the wind, and dropped my towel climbing naked onto the table. Lana was not quite that relaxed yet, but the champagne was wearing her down. She was almost staring at my naked body as the girl manipulated my muscles. I made sure to let out a lot of grunts and moans for the effect I wanted. I asked Mandy, my masseuse, to pay special attention to the muscles around my hips and thighs. Lana got the picture and soon her towel was on the floor. Barbara, her girl was kneading the cheeks of Lana's ass like bread dough.
I was enjoying this immensely, we finished with the massage, and I took Lana by the hand to the sauna. We were alone, and naked as the day we were born. I sat back and relaxed on the wooden bench, I pulled up my left leg to the bench. My cootchy was now on display for Lana to admire, and admire she did. With my head back, I closed my eyes and leisurely stroked my pussy. "Mmm, I wish Jimmy was here." I whispered.
"Oh, nothing. I was just daydreaming about Jimmy, and the way he makes me feel."
"Hmm yeah, I can imagine." Her right hand was unconsciously flicking her left nipple.
"Doesn't your husband, Mark, make you feel that way?"
"Oh yeah, he's great." She said, a bit too fast and too loud.
I had two fingers inside my pussy now, and both feet were on the bench. I dropped the other hand to my crotch, and stroked my swollen clit. After having my pussy licked in front of twenty thousand people yesterday, I wasn't embarrassed at all by Jilling off in front of Lana.
"Ooh Jimmy, yeah, right there, ooh yeah. Harder Baby, yeah fuck me, oh yes, yes, yes, that's it, right there Baby. Uh, uh, uh, Yeess, yeeesssss, YEEESSSSSS!"
"Oh Christ Jill, that was so hot. I'm so jealous of you. I wish Mark could make me feel that way, oh god how I wish."
"But Lana, you said he did."
"He's just so busy all the time, he does his best, but it doesn't give me what you just had."
"I'm so sorry Lana, hey let's get showered and do some shopping. There is a little place that somebody told me about, I'm dying to check it out."
"Great, that's one thing Mark is good for."
"What's that?"
"Platinum credit cards." She grinned.
We caught a cab, and drove to the address Jerry had given me. The Adult Superstore was like a Wal-Mart store full of dildos and videos. This place had almost any sex related thing you could imagine, I might bring Jimmy here later and have some fun. We went isle by isle, and Lana went crazy. We almost needed a shopping cart for all the stuff she picked out to buy.
She had two huge bags full of toys, lotions and videos, I knew by this time, Lana was so horny that she would be happy to get laid in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard. It was time for my payback, time to pay the piper.
I took Lana's beautifully manicured hand, and drug her into the video arcade. I checked the booths until I found one with the glory holes. We had to squeeze into the dirty little space, I inserted some money into the slot and chose a particularly sleazy film. A few minutes later as if on cue, Lana was rubbing at the crotch of her shorts. I fed the machine some dollar bills, and pulled my skirt up to my waist. I wasn't getting aroused, but I needed to put Lana more at ease and lower her inhibitions.
She responded, and her shorts and panties were down to her ankles. I rubbed my clit, and I moaned for the benefit of the others in the arcade. Lana was approaching her orgasm, she was biting her bottom lip and rubbing her furry pussy furiously. Her eyes were riveted to the TV screen, as the first hard cock came through the hole in the wall. I took Lana's free hand and wrapped her fingers around the dick poking out of the hole. She didn't even realize what was happening, as she continued to masturbate.
She was stroking the hard cock in earnest now, I pulled the tiny digital camera out and started to film the action. I was very careful to get some great footage of that marvelous three-carat diamond ring of hers, as it pistoned back and forth on that anonymous whanger.
As Lana peaked, she was rewarded with a face full of gooey cum. She was way beyond caring at this point, I helped her to her feet and, positioned her on the new cock that had entered from the other wall. She was bent at the correct angle now as I spread the cheeks of her ass and directed the hard prick into her sloppy wet cunt. Her eyes were fixed on the cock that had just creamed her face, she let go and took it into her mouth to clean the remaining drops of spunk.
The camera was rolling as Lana took it from both ends now. This was going to make a much better film than the one playing on the screen before us. I got some particularly great video of a long skinny dick invading Lana's asshole. Two hours later, the sperm was running from ever orifice. She'd been used by at least eight different men. As I left the little cubbyhole I was surprised to see Jerry exiting the next booth while pulling up his zipper. He just smiled and said "I thought you might need I ride back to the hotel."
We collected Lana and her things, she didn't say even one word on the short drive to her hotel. Jerry drove me to the casino and said. "You're a great lady and I didn't want things to get out of hand. You know, just in case, that kind of thing can get ugly really quick. Like a sharks feeding frenzy."
"You're such a sweet guy, thank you." I kissed him on the cheek, and left the car.
It had been, a peachy day, and when I see Jimmy, it's going to get peachier. I happen to see him at the casino bar as I made my way to the elevators.
"Hey sailor, how's your luck running?" He looked around to see me.
"It looks like I just hit the jackpot, I missed you today." He's so sweet, giggle.
"How about buying a lonely girl a drink?"
"Sure Honey, what'll it be, sex on the beach?"
"Nope, a bottle of water and a screaming orgasm in our room."
We barely made it out of the elevator, Jimmy was picking up my shoes and clothes all the way down the hall. I stood naked waiting for him to open the door to our room. I wanted it hard and fast, but Jimmy took me slow and easy. We never even made it to dinner that night.
I left a message for Lana, strongly suggesting for her to meet me by the pool at our hotel the next morning at ten o'clock. She didn't look like her vacation was going as well as mine, when she joined me at the pool.
"Lana, you don't look like you slept too well last night."
"Truthfully, I didn't sleep at all, and I don't feel very good right now."
"Would you like a Bloody Mary?"
"Ok, it may help a little."
"I doubt that." I said to low for her to hear. I called the pool girl over and ordered our drinks.
"Jill, I feel so dirty. And the guilt is killing me. How did all that happen yesterday? God this is such a mess, what are we going to do."
"What do you mean by we, Lana? The only thing I did yesterday was rub my pussy in front of you. You on the other hand, fucked or sucked at least eight different cocks by my count." The look on her face now was priceless. "Oh, and by the way, here's a little memento of your first gang bang, if that was your first." I handed her a CD of her exploits.
"NO! You didn't! This isn't happening, I don't believe you."
Our drinks arrived and Lana drank all of hers, as I signed the ticket. With her drink finished I handed her mine, she looked like she could use it.
"Well Lana, if I were you, I would take it seriously. Now that you've had a taste of how it feels to be used against your will, I want you to think about how you used Jim. And I suggest that if you don't want your husband to know what you did yesterday, you keep your goddamned mouth shut and stay the fuck away from my man. I won't be so nice the next time we meet."
"You know about that too? How?"
"Simple, Jimmy told me. It's called trust and communication, you should try it sometime. Maybe if you treated Mark like a husband instead of a bank account, you wouldn't be chasing other men."
"Are you going to tell Mark?"
"Lana, as long as you stay away from Jim, it'll be our secret. But if you ever try to contact him again, the whole world will know about your Vegas vacation."
Well, Jim's complicated slot machine theory didn't pan out, he lost all his money, the whole twenty bucks. My system worked pretty well, you put the money in the top and push the button, I won over twelve hundred dollars. Pretty simple, huh, but that isn't the reason they call me Mrs. Lucky.
Let me give all of you ladies some advice, if you are looking for a guy to scratch your itch. Don't pay as much attention to the box your man comes in, just like with crackerjacks, the surprise is what's inside. And stay the fuck away from my Jimmy, or I'll be paying you a visit.
Wife Swap Stories