Staring out of the 29th floor corner office window at the busy street below, the corner office that should have been hers, she came to a decision. She had to get out. She had a college degree in business administration, she could damned well use it.
Whirling around, she strode purposefully, very much the ball busting business professional, to her desk. Popping open her briefcase, she put a few things into it, the pictures of her family, a stuffed bear Daddy had given her when she got this job, her college diploma didn't fit, so she hand carried it. A quick call to the boss, she was a prick anyway, and she was out of there.
Once again, she strode with all the professional confidence a junior associate was expected to move with. What the hell for? She just quit without the benefit of notice. Tucking the diploma more firmly under her left arm, she kicked off her black Italian leather Ferragamo pumps and skipped out of the building, giggling. She felt so free.
She wasn't running home to Mommy and Daddy, primarily because Mom lived in Pasadena with her boyfriend. She wasn't running to Daddy either, of course she wasn't, she was a fully grown capable woman just stopping in to visit her father before going on with her life. Who the hell was she kidding? She wanted to curl up in Daddy's lap and bawl like she did when she was fourteen and Ron Blackmore had dumped her for Sheila Rogers of the double D's.
After she'd left the hollowed halls of Whitney, Fillmore, Brock, Chase, Martin, Chesapeake, Morton, Widenour, Smith, and Corrine forever, she drove to a Ford dealer and traded her trophy Lexus off on a big honking F-250 with all of the truck trimmings. She was never driving a cliched car again. She just didn't know she'd be scared of the stupid truck. Who knew that the darned thing was twice the length of her Lexus and three times as heavy? At least she didn't kill anyone. Dents added character to pickup trucks anyway. Maybe Daddy knew what the four wheel drive business was actually for.
Okay Slick, she told herself, enough sitting in the driveway. Daddy would call the cops if you don't get out of the truck soon. She opened the door and the ding ding ding reminded her to remove the keys. Getting locked out of her own truck on the third day of owning it was just too embarrassing to contemplate. She slammed the door shut without getting out. Daddy had company, after all. He drove the Navigator, she knew that, who drove the Mustang?
Oh well, she was his daughter dammit, and she needed him. His company could just go home. She climbed out of the cab of the truck, locked the doors, and slammed the driver's door. Drat, she locked the freaking keys in the freaking truck like the world's biggest freaking idiot. She jerked at the handle for a few moments. She was just going to have to go inside and face Daddy, let him know that his eldest daughter really was a failure. A failure as a wife, a failure as a want to be mother, a failure as a lover, a failure in business. Well, not a failure in business, she just up and quit without bothering to think things through like an intelligent person would. Okay, so she was flighty, not a failure. Was that better?
She was in the front door before she realized she probably should have knocked. She dithered a moment, trying to decide if she should go out and knock or if she should just call out. A familiar laugh stopped her short. Her sister was here? Oh great, now she'd have to fess up to her life, the failure, in front of her sister too. The laugh cut off and turned into a long low moan.
Her sister was hurt? An oooooooooooooooooh followed that, then a long masculine groan mingled with the oooh. Daddy was letting Darling bring her boyfriends over? The sounds were coming from the den, along with the crackling of a fire and soft music.
"Ooooh right there, that feels good," her sister moaned. The man groaned something she couldn't understand back, then obviously did more to the "right there" spot because her sister suddenly squealed.
The chair was obstructing most of the view, she could see two naked bodies, a man on top of her sis, older, but still lean and well shaped. She paused a moment, to admire the anonymous man's backside. He had a nice one, that was for sure. Much better than that prick she'd been married to. The sight of the two healthy bodies making love in the glow of the fire was compelling. She'd never realized the hidden beauty in sexual relations, porno just didn't do it justice. She felt a wet clenching deep in her belly.
"Oooooohhhhh Dad, I'm cumming," her sister howled, then continued howling incoherently. Darling was into role playing?
She dropped the keys she'd been holding in her hand, they fell to the thick rug with a muted clatter. Stepping farther into the room she could see the back of her Daddy's head and her sister's face twisted with ecstasy.
"Daddy?" her brain screamed mutely in outrage. Both of them froze as if they'd heard her, well her sister sort of deflated, still panting from the force of her orgasm. Her father slowly twisted his head and stared at her, looking rather like an eight year old with his hands in the cookie jar.
"Daddy?" she whispered it this time, just too shocked to say anything coherent.
"It's not what you think, Baby," he said soothingly. Her jaw flapped like a landed fish. "It's... it's..."
"Sis? Go on up to your room," Darling ordered, still breathless. "I'll be up in a few minutes to explain, just go on up, okay?"
Mutely, she picked up her keys and went to her room. Her mind simply refused to wrap itself around the fact that the sensuous coupling she'd just witnessed had been her father and her sister. Naked. Together. Fucking. She didn't notice when she sat on the bed and dropped her keys on the floor. Daddy and fucking, well that just defied all logic. Everyone knew that Daddies just didn't fuck. Well, maybe once or three times, but only in the purest catholic sense of the word fuck. She bent over and retrieved her keys. This was too much.
"Baby?" Daddy's voice preceded his soft knock. He opened the door and stepped into the room. The girlishness of it clashed with his masculinity. He was wearing his pants. She didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. After all, her sister got to see everything. And taste it. And feel it. And... Oh good grief, what was she thinking?
"Tell me she just had some popcorn stuck in her throat and you were giving her the heimlich maneuver," she begged.
He laughed, a deep, rich attractive laugh. She'd always wanted a man that laughed like Daddy did. The Prick fell short there too. "You know what we were doing, Baby. I imagine you're a little shocked and confused."
She didn't want to talk about it. "I'm getting divorced," she said instead. He sat down next to her and squeezed her hand. "And I quit my job. And I have a stupid truck that I locked my keys inside of."
"Your keys are in your hand," he pointed out gently.
"Oh." She looked at her keys in her hand, feeling the tears gathering. He made an abortive move, as if to hug her, then reconsidered and dropped his hands into his lap. The lap that was still prefaced with a rather large, unsatisfied bulge. The Prick's dick wasn't that big either.
"Baby, your sister and I are living together," he said bluntly. "We have been for a while."
"I can share the room still." Her voice held an edge to it, a mild warning that she really didn't want to know. She just wanted to happily pretend everything was perfectly hunky-dory down at the Ponderosa. Adam was still sorta cute, Hoss was still adorably dumb, Little Joe was still that Highway Angel guy. An image of Loren Green boffing her sister invaded, tearing up that little fantasy.
"She sleeps in our bed. Mine and hers."
Closing her eyes, she pressed her palm to her forehead, the keys to the stupid truck digging painfully into her flesh. "Maybe I should get a hotel room," she said miserably. She'd counted on staying with Daddy until she could get straightened out. She just didn't have the funds to support a decent room and still go through with her plans to buy a business.
"No, you can stay here. I just want you to understand the relationship your sister and I have."
"How long has this been going on?"
"A few months."
"The sex?" Visions of her sister at sixteen doing cheerleading in the buff for Daddy steamrolled through her brain.
"A year." He took her hand and squeezed it.
"Who all knows?"
"Just you and us. This isn't forever, Baby. We just needed each other for a while." He sighed, looking away. "We know it's wrong, it's just that well, we love each other, and a man and woman living together like we've been, well, things happen."
"But, but how-?" She didn't have a clue what to say next. What to think, or even what to feel. She kept picturing the two bodies writhing together in the firelight.
"I think you know how it's done, Baby. You are married."
She snorted. "It's been so long, I forgot how."
"You're a sexy woman, Baby, it couldn't have been that long for you. What man in his right mind would pass up a chance to make love to you?"
A few hours ago she would have blushed and chalked it up to an expected "Daddy compliment." The image or her Daddy sinuously fucking her sister invaded again. Did he mean he wanted to do her as well? "Would you, Daddy?"
He froze, as if suddenly aware he was treading on thin ice. "Baby, I'm only a man."
"That's kind of obvious, Daddy." She gestured at the tent in his pants, then rubbed her nose.
"You did interrupt us before I could cum, Baby. It doesn't go away on its own for quite awhile." After he said that a lengthy, uncomfortable silence settled in. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and broke the tension. "Tell me about this divorce."
She suddenly felt like the little girl who'd gotten ditched by Ron Blackmore all over again. "I caught Frank with his secretary. They were doing it in my bed. He got her pregnant, with twins." She still felt like curling up in her Daddy's lap. She leaned against him, her cheek to his bare chest, and his arms came around her. "So I quit my job, traded the Lexus in on a truck I can't drive, and I cleaned out our mutual funds. I'm going to buy a business here."
"I'm going to kill him."
"I'm better off without him anyway, Daddy. He was never man enough for me." She sniffled, trying not to leave a trail of snot across his naked pectoral.
"That's right Baby. He wasn't good enough for you."
"It hurts, Daddy."
"C'mere, Baby." He wrapped her even more tightly in his embrace and rocked her while she cried her heart out.
As competent a woman as she was, she still needed the support of the family. The Prick had no intention of divorcing her, he had no intention of doing anything but enjoying his little chickypoo somewhere in Bermuda. So she moved in with Daddy and Darling and went to work. She had two missions, divorce the Prick and purchase a business.
It was hard to get used to, thinking of her sister and her Daddy. She tried not to, but damn, her sister had to scream like a banshee every time she came, which was pretty much non-stop. Once or twice she caught her sister looking at her with a speculative gleam in her eye, but her father had kept his distance.
She found a chain of five service stations, two car washes, and a quickie lube station for sale. Like a blithering idiot, she plucked them up with a minimal down payment and installed herself as the gas station queen. It didn't dawn on her until the papers had all been signed and everything was hers, lock, stock, and motor oil that she knew absolutely nothing about the service station industry. Just how stupid can one woman get?
"Baby, it took you four months to buy the thing. It's not exactly an impulsive decision. You had to make a business plan and arrange for financing." Her Daddy slowly stirred the cream in his coffee. "You'll do just fine, it won't take any time for you to figure it out."
"But Daddy!" she protested. "I don't know anything about cars. I won't even drive my truck when I can borrow your Navigator!"
"You'll be fine, Baby. I have perfect faith in you."
"Oh Daddy, what if I fail again?"
"You never failed in the first place," he snarled, her vehement protector, even from herself.
"Yes, Daddy, I did. I couldn't stay with my job, I couldn't keep my man." The divorce would be final in a few more weeks, she'd taken the first step and had let her lawyers take her soon to be ex to the cleaners. That bit of viciousness was so unlike her, and she already regretted it. "I wasn't woman enough for him."
"It's true Daddy. I wasn't beautiful enough and I wasn't a whole woman. I couldn't have his babies." She'd faced the awful truth weeks ago, that somehow, she hadn't been enough for him. If she had, the Prick would still be married to her.
"Don't you ever say that, young lady." He surged to his feet and leaned on the table, glaring at her. The knife froze inches from bagel as she stared at him in dismay. "You are a beautiful, intelligent, gorgeous, determined, sexy, successful young woman. No man in his right mind with all of his balls in place would ever prefer some stupid ball of fluff. You were too much for him, you challenged him too much and he wasn't good enough to meet that challenge."
He subsided in his seat.
"He wouldn't even have sex with me unless I made him," she whispered.
"Then he was an idiot."
There was silence for a while, nothing but the sound of cream cheese being jerkily spread on a toasted bagel. He took a sip of his coffee and contemplated her silently. One tear, then a second dripped from her eye. She looked up at her Daddy, meeting his steady, caring gaze. Once again, as it did all too frequently in the past five months, the image of her father's naked body making love to her sister invaded. Mentally, she substituted herself for her sister. She ripped her gaze away guiltily and fiddled with her bagel.
"Yes, Daddy." She wanted to kick herself. She sounded like some sixteen year old girl who'd broken curfew.
"What were you thinking about a moment ago?"
"Um, nothing."
"Daddy, I don't want to talk about it."
"All right." He started to get up, then paused, as if arriving at some decision. He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it firmly. "Baby, if you need me for anything, and I mean anything, you just let me know. I'll help you, if I can."
"O-okay Daddy." Her voice was nearly inaudible. He waited for another few moments, then left her in the quiet kitchen for a solitary breakfast. Did he mean...?
No matter how busy she was, she couldn't keep her Daddy out of her mind. If you need me for anything, he was repeating incessantly. Her broad-chested, naked Daddy kept letting her know that he was there for her, in any way she wanted him. There had to be something wrong with a twenty-seven year old woman wanting her Daddy that way.
She had lied to a lot of people in her life, including herself. One of the things she swore she'd do after she walked out of Whitney, Fillmore, Brock, Chase, Martin, Chesapeake, Morton, Widenour, Smith, and Corrine was that she would never again lie to herself. No matter how tempting it was. Considering that she was in the unenviable position of lusting after her own father, well, lying was the least of her worries. She lusted after Daddy. She was a damned sick puppy.
How could she not? She got to listen to the "sex serenade" nearly every night, some days too. Her Daddy and sister went at it like a couple of rabbits in heat. Either Darling liked to fake orgasms or Daddy knew what the hell he was doing with a woman.
She sat at her desk in her office, the sound of an impact wrench buzzing in the cavernous garage not too far away. It had taken her a few days to learn what an impact wrench was, she still had now idea why it was called an impact wrench. As far as she could tell it was a wrench that removed bolts from tires and things and it was powered by air. Why not call it an air wrench? The air compressor kicked in on the other side of the cinderblock wall. The rattling was enough to shake her hind teeth. Maybe separate office space was called for. She made that a goal. New office when she solved the steady decline of revenue riddle.
She stared at the picture of her Daddy sitting on her desk. Revenue was the last thing on her mind. It had been several weeks since that talk in the kitchen, where he had given her the thinly veiled offer of his body for her use. Since then one of the mechanics had caught her eye and a little light flirting had cropped up. She had made the decision to never mix work and relationships. That put the hot mechanic firmly out of reach. She heard through the grapevine that he was seeing a stripper anyway. The dating scene wasn't what she was ready for, and other than a few men she'd chatted with online, the only man she interacted with on a personal basis was her Daddy.
The jarring ring of her office line brought her back from the dangerous trail her mind was about to take. "Hello?"
"Ms. Harris," the warm, congenial voice of her lawyer boomed over the intermittent wrrrrrrs of the impact wrench. "Congratulations!"
"It's done?"
"Just swing by my office and sign a few things. Then I'll file it and it's done. If you can be here in the next hour, I can have it filed today."
"I'll be there."
"I'll let Mary know you're on your way. See you shortly."
She depressed the hang up button and immediately called Daddy. "Daddy, I'm going to sign the papers in the next hour. Then he'll file it today and I'll be divorced!"
"Oh Baby, you wait there for me. I'll come get you and we'll go together."
"I'll be okay Daddy."
"I remember when I did it Baby, you shouldn't do it alone."
"Okay, Daddy. Maybe we can have some lunch afterwards. You know, celebrate my new freedom."
"That sounds good, Baby. On my way."
They rode in silence to her lawyer's office. The elevator music chimed irritatingly in the background. She smiled tremulously up at Daddy and he reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. He'd been right, now that it was here, the pain started all over again. This was it, this made it final. No more Prick in her life. Thank God he hadn't contested the divorce, so that meant no bloody battles. He'd just asked to keep the Porsche. Since he'd probably fucked his little twit girlfriend in it, she wanted nothing to do with it. "Thank you, Daddy."
"Anytime, Baby."
Signing the papers was almost anti-climactic. After putting her name on a few papers, she handed the pen back to the lawyer and stared at him, a little dazed. "This is it? That's all there is to it?"
"Yes it is, Ms. Harris. You've already seen the judge, so all that's left is to file these. I'll get these filed this afternoon and you'll be officially divorced."
"Thank you, Mr. Kramer."
Back in Daddy's Navigator she felt herself tearing up again. "It's over, Daddy." She stared dully at the passing scenery, grieving for her failed marriage.
He reached out and clasped her hand, offering her whatever comfort she would take from it. "I know, Baby. I know."
"Why did Mom leave?"
"Because I'm a sick bastard, Baby. Don't ever forget that."
"You aren't sick, Daddy."
"Yes I am, Baby. Good fathers don't screw their daughters."
"Mom knows?" She was alarmed.
"No, Baby. She doesn't know what your sister and I are doing."
"But, then why did she leave?"
"I used to fantasize, Baby. And one night, with your mother, I called out your name."
Other than the humming of the quiet engine and the occasional whoosh of a passing car, it was deathly silent in the cab of the Navigator while she digested that bit of information. "Daddy, I want to go home."
"You don't want to go to Las Placitas? It's your favorite."
"No, Daddy, I want to go home. Now, please."
"Okay, Baby."
"You fantasized about me."
"I want to know."
"Yes, I did Baby."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"I couldn't, I had no business thinking those things about you. The last thing I would ever do was tell you. I'm a sick bastard, not a child molester."
"How old was I?"
"How old! Twelve? Fourteen? Eighteen? How old?" Her voice held a sharp edge to it, near hysteria.
"You were fifteen the first time I ever did it. I was coming out of the bedroom and you were admiring yourself in the mirror. I couldn't get you out of my mind and I couldn't stop fantasizing. You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
"I never knew."
"You didn't need to know, Baby."
"Am I still?"
"Of course you are."
"Even better than Darling?"
"Baby..." His voice was gently chiding. He pulled the Navigator into the driveway and shut it off. "I still love you. You're still my daughter and I don't intend to make you do anything for any reason."
"I love you too, Daddy." She jumped out and slammed the door, her brain a mess of emotions. She climbed the stairs to her girlish room, half expecting to hear the sound of the Navigator taking Daddy back to work. Instead he turned on the TV in the den and ice tinkled in a glass.
She stood, staring at herself in the mirror. She noticed, for the first time, how physically attractive she was. The Prick had always made her feel as if she were somehow inadequate as a woman. Something was missing in her that made men want to fuck her. Oh, she'd had the come ons and lines from the men she worked with, but she'd always discounted that. Somehow, Daddy hadn't seen her missing piece, he'd seen her sexually. She canted her head to the side and followed the elegant slope of her neck with her eyes. Is this what Daddy did for Darling? Is this how she felt whenever Daddy touched her?
She closed her eyes and remembered the firmly flowing muscles in Daddy's back and ass, sinuously flexing with every thrust he made into Darling. The firelight had touched the paleness of his skin with a warm, muted heat. That heat was making its way through her nerves again. She thought about Daddy and his deeply masculine sexuality. She'd seen other women eyeing him as he passed by, she knew her Daddy was a hell of a hunk.
"Daddy," she whispered, thinking of all the moans and cries he pulled out of her sister nearly every single night. Confused, she curled up on her little girl's bed and tried to reconcile the fierce attraction she felt for her Daddy and the man she'd grown up with. The thing that bothered her the most was that he'd wanted her sexually for the past twelve years.
Her eyes flew open and she jerked upright. She must have fallen asleep, the sun had gown down. Rubbing her arms she looked up at the voice in the doorway. Her sister. "Hey Darling."
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." Baby sat up and made room for her sister to sit down.
"I want to talk to you about Dad." Darling paused to give her a long, searching look. "And us."
"I love Dad and I love you too."
"What's your point?" Baby demanded flatly.
"Well, I don't want you to feel that I'm getting in the way of your relationship with Dad. I'm worried that you'll feel like you can't be a part of his life without me getting jealous."
"A part of his life. You mean fucking him."
Darling looked off toward the door, obviously uncomfortable. "Whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to freak out. I just wanted you to know that."
"Did Daddy put you up to this?"
"No, he just told me that he told you the truth."
"The truth about what?"
"Why mom left. She couldn't handle the fact that he wants you. I can, though."
She had nothing to say to that. She started at the side of her sister's face in astonishment. "I'm not going to fuck Daddy."
"It doesn't matter if you do or not, Baby. Dad wants you and he always has. You'll be between him and whoever he fucks whether you want to be or not. Anyway. I just wanted to let you know."
"It's okay, Baby, really," her sister stood up, wiping her hands on her thighs awkwardly. Something in the way Darling looked at her made Baby think that it wasn't okay, not really. Darling didn't like the idea of her having sex with Daddy.
"I'll see you later, Baby." Darling fled the room and whatever questions Baby had. Baby's jaw hung there, her confusion stopping her brain from formulating a proper plan of action.
Darling, the younger of the two sisters, was Mom's favorite. Baby had always been Daddy's little girl, the one who'd always run to Daddy first, Mom later. Darling had been devastated by the divorce and Mom's subsequent move to another house. At least she'd stayed in the area until Darling had grown old enough to live on her own. Baby wondered how much Darling blamed her for Mom. How long had Darling known?
She found herself going down the stairs toward the den before she realized she was going to see Daddy. He was the one that started it all, he would tell her what she wanted to know, or else. Daddy was watching a baseball game by himself. She wondered where Darling was. "Daddy?"
"Oh, hi Baby. Feeling better? Did you get a good nap?"
"Yes, where's Darling?"
"She left with her friend a little while ago." Daddy didn't like that friend of Darling's if his grimace was anything to go by.
"Daddy, we have to talk." She sat down on the opposite side of the couch, curling her feet under her. He shut the TV off and faced her.
"This sounds pretty serious, Baby."
"Incest is wrong, Daddy."
"I know it is, Baby. So does Darling. It's not forever and there isn't any way I can justify it. I'm not going to stop unless she wants me to."
"How long has Darling known about your fantasies about me?"
"I told her a long time ago. About two years ago. We were fighting, about you." His intense gaze shifted from her to the book-littered coffee table. "I'm human, Baby. So is your mother. You've been my favorite and Darling is your mother's. We were fighting about how I didn't love her, I always loved you. She said that my love for you had made your mother and I divorce. I had thought your mother had told her the truth. I must have done something, or said something that made Darling suspicious, so she got it from me, not your mother."
"How long from then until you started fucking her?"
"A year." He sighed deeply and looked at her again. "We made a promise to change our relationship. To keep you and your mother out of it. By then you were in Chicago and your mother had moved to Pasadena. We became friends and then about a year ago we kissed each other goodnight, on this very couch. We'd kissed goodnight every since she was born. Somehow, this was different. We kissed again, I still remember the feel of her lips moving underneath mine. It was so wrong, but I couldn't stop. I licked at her lips and she opened her mouth. I pulled her down on top of me and by the time we pulled apart, she was almost naked and my cock was out."
Baby sucked in her breath and held it. Her nipples poked painfully at her bra and she was forcibly reminded of the image of her sister and father entwined on the carpet in front of the fire. The way he told the story, with his low, husky tone, vibrated with sensuality. Baby shifted on her end of the couch and waited for him to finish.
"We sort of came to our senses then, realizing that we were wrong. Then she looked at me with her big eyes and puffy lips and her beautiful breasts and said, ‘I just want you to love me, Dad.' So I did. I loved her all night long, and the next night, and the next. I can't get enough of her. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's sexy. She moved into my room before much longer." He paused a moment, suddenly fierce. "I have never, ever compared her sexually to you."
"She thinks I have, but I don't. Darling is a special woman."
"I know she is, Daddy."
"The two of you are sisters, alike in so many ways, but I don't compare the two of you. I love the both of you."
"I love you too, Daddy. Why? I just don't understand why. You're a handsome man, why do it with Darling? Why can't you find another woman, one you aren't related to?"
"I'm a sick bastard, Baby. I still want you, I always have. I can't find another woman who measures up to you. With Darling, I don't have to."
"Yes, Baby."
"Like, right now still?"
"Look at my pants and you'll see. I got an erection the instant I saw your nipples get hard."
She couldn't help it, her eyes dropped to his lap. Sure enough, his cock was shoving at the placket of his pants. Her nipples tightened painfully and a rush of wetness made its way between her thighs. "Daddy..." she trailed off, licking her lips.
"Yes, Baby?"
"It's, it's..."
"A natural reaction, Baby."
"Can I see it? I've never seen it."
Wordlessly, he stood up and stripped off his clothing. Baby leaned back and watched in silence while her father showed her everything. Though his skin wasn't as supple as a young man's, his firmly muscled body was vastly more attractive than most naked men. Daddy's cock was thick and hard. It was a good length, she couldn't tell how long without wrapping her fingers around it, with a nice curve to it. His pubic hair was grayer than the hair on his head.
She stared at his cock, hardly daring to believe that she intended to commit incest. She knew she should run, should leave the house and get a hotel room and not come back. She knew the last thing she should ever see was Daddy's cock. She knew the last thing she should ever do was suck Daddy's cock. Suck... she licked her lips again, shifting positions in the couch. Suck. She acknowledged that she was going to suck her father's cock. No matter what happened in the future, she was half responsible for what she was about to do.
Uncurling her legs, she shifted to the side of the couch he'd recently vacated. It was still warm from his body and she tugged his shirt out from under her. He didn't move, just watched to see what she'd do.
She lifted a tentative hand and reached for his cock, pausing with her fingers quivering inches from it. She was so close she could feel it's throbbing heat. She looked up the length of his naked body and met his eyes. "May I?"
"Baby," he warned, "if you do this, I can't stop. I'm just a man and you are the sexiest woman I've ever met."
"I understand, Daddy." She sounded almost as if she were letting her father know she understood that she was supposed to be back by midnight on prom night. Her fingers wavered over his cock in indecision. She watched his stomach suck in and grow rigid in her peripheral vision. He was holding his breath, she concluded when it remained like that.
It began to dawn on her that it was real, not some sort of great put on that her father and sister were perpetrating on her. Daddy really did want her that much. He was as nervous as she was. They remained frozen in a tableau, father and daughter, naked and clothed, his cock and her fingers, while she absorbed that the one man who worshiped her above all others was her father.
"Please, Baby. Do something, either touch me or don't. Please," his low, husky voice begged her. It was tinged with an arousal-born pain.
The power she held over him thrilled her, made her cruel. "Touch you?" she echoed softly, keeping her eyes locked on his.
She smiled at him, an innocent echo of smiles to her Daddy from her youth. Smiles of newly awakened discovery. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and squeezed it gently. He groaned, deep in his chest, and his cock twitched. "Oh, Baby, your fingers feel so good."
"Do they Daddy?"
"Yes, baby. You know they do."
She released her grip and trailed her fingers along the length of his cock, then brushed the tips over the head. She was surprised to find that it was wet. Bringing her fingers to her face, she spread them open and admired the cum clinging to them. "Daddy?"
"Yes, Baby?" His voice was breathless, disappointed.
"I have your cum on my fingers."
"It's precum, Baby."
"Precum, then Daddy." She licked her fingers.
He gasped, then grunted. She looked up at him just in time to catch his first shot of cum across her chin. His hips were thrusting into the air, obscenely fucking his cock in her direction. A few more spurts of cum exploded from him, landing in her hair, face, and clothing.
"Daddy!" She admonished.
"I'm sorry, Baby." He seemed to wilt in front of her without moving. "I couldn't help it. I never thought I'd see you licking my cum."
"It's precum, Daddy." She didn't know where this impish streak had come from. She licked some more precum from her fingers.
Now that his cock was sated, he had the werewithall to slant her a look that would have said, "don't push it, young lady" if she hadn't been licking her fingers again. She had the distinct feeling he liked watching her do that. She filed that information away for future reference. She peeled her t-shirt off and dabbed the cum from her hair and face.
"Tell me what your fantasies about me are." She curled herself back on the couch and waited. He stood there a moment, obviously unsure of where she was taking this and not wanting to push her. Eventually he came to a decision of some sort and sat down next to her. He pulled her shirt out of her hands and wiped his cock off with it.
"I've had three basic ones from the start. Seeing you naked," he gestured at her bra, grinning roguishly, "and that's a good start. Licking your pussy and fucking your brains out."
"That's it?"
"I've wondered what your pussy tastes like since you were fifteen. It was enough to consume me, that and the fact that you were my daughter made it all that much hotter. Because it's so wrong."
"I've never had anyone fantasize about licking my pussy before."
"Pussy fascinates me, Baby, especially yours. I love the way it looks, it feels, it smells, it tastes, I love the sound of you saying pussy. I love the thought of your pussy."
"You want to see my pussy?"
"I don't want to push you, Baby." He suddenly backed off. She gave him a flat look, crossing her arms under her breasts. Grinning, he admitted, "Yes, more than anything."
She thought about this, feeling suddenly devilish. "Okay, Daddy."
"I don't like that look you're giving me. What are you up to?"
"I'm going to show you my pussy, Daddy. All you have to do is lay down on your back."
He regarded her suspiciously for another few moments, then moved away from the couch and sprawled on his back. She pulled off her clothes, quickly covering herself with her cum stained t-shirt, and knelt next to him. "I have a few rules, Daddy."
"Rules, Baby? I'm the Daddy here."
"It's my pussy."
"I can live with that."
"You can't touch my pussy." She met his eyes, tugging at the sleeve of the too small t-shirt where it almost failed to cover her breast. "You can't lick it or kiss it either. Unless I say you can."
"I can respect that, Baby. I promise."
She rewarded him with another one of her huge smiles. "Thank you, Daddy."
"Your pussy?"
"Um, one more thing, I like words."
"Words? What do you mean?"
"Just for information." She tossed the t-shirt to the side and straddled his head in one swift, smooth motion. Putting her hands on either side of his hips, she did the one thing she'd been thinking of for the past fifteen or so, scraped her hard nipples down along the length of his chest to his belly and rested fully on top of him. "Well, Daddy?"
"You have a very beautiful pussy, Baby."
She could feel is chest expanding and deflating rapidly with ever rushed breath. She watched his cock twitch and then grow. Squirming, she spread herself comfortably on him with her breasts crushed on his belly, her back arched, and her pussy in his face. She worked a hand between them, reaching for her pussy.
"Oh my god," he groaned when she stroked a finger along the length of her closed pussy lips.
"More Daddy?" Her breath fanned across his cock, stirring some of the longer pubic hairs. He shivered beneath her. "Hold still, Daddy."
"More, Baby." His hands came up and clamped on her hips, holding her steady. She smiled against his belly when she felt her ass cheeks part slowly.
She slipped first one, then a second finger between her lips and into her steamy wetness. She groaned at the deliciously nasty feeling of having her own Daddy watch her masturbate her pussy from a few inches away while her nipples poked into his naked belly. No wonder Darling was always screaming.
Panting, she spread her fingers apart and slowly pulled them out. Daddy was staring straight inside of her pussy. That thought alone almost made her cum.
"More, Baby, show me more." His fingers curled into her cheeks and kneaded them.
She slid her other hand back, shifting until she was balanced. Her nipples were dragged across the fuzz on his belly, making her moan and press small kisses to the bare flesh just above his groin. Her fingers moved into position and opened her pussy for him. She could feel the cool air alternated with his hot breath across the exposed inner slopes of her puffy, wet pussy lips. Over her breathing, and his, she could hear him licking his lips.
"Can you see my clit, Daddy?"
"Not yet, Baby. It's hiding from me."
"I'll get it out. Watch." She slipped a finger deep into the hole that had been so recently opened for his viewing pleasure, then pulled her fresh pussy juices up to her clit and rubbed in slow circles. "Oooh, Daddy, I can feel it."
"Let me taste it."
She felt him tilt his head upwards and had the presence of mind to take the finger from her clit and slip it into his mouth. She wasn't through playing just yet. He sucked on her finger, licking it thoroughly from tip to base and back. Pulling her finger from his mouth with an audible pop, she rubbed her clit with it. "Just watch, Daddy. You wanted to see my pussy, so I'm showing it to you."
"I want to lick it too."
"I'm not ready for that."
"You're going to give me blue balls, Baby."
"That's a myth, Daddy, you told me so yourself. If you touch my pussy, I'll go get a hotel room."
"Just watch, Daddy."
"Okay, Baby."
"Thank you, Daddy.""
"You're we-" he bit the last part off with a howl. Baby used her face to maneuver his cock to her lips, then opened her mouth and sucked it inside. "Baby!"
She hummed appreciatively at the taste and feel of his cock in her mouth, then resumed masturbating herself. He groaned and pulled at her buttocks some more. "Let me lick you, Baby."
"No, Daddy. You can talk to me though." She let the tip of his cock rest on her lips long enough to say that, then sucked him back inside.
"Talk?" He paused a moment, holding his breath, then let it out with a whoosh against her pussy. "I can talk."
She swirled her tongue around the head in approval and began the incredibly slow exercise of seeing how far down her throat his cock would reach.
"You have the wettest pussy I've ever seen. Inside it's a deep red and on the edge of the lips it turns into a rich rose color. I love watching you rub your little clitty. Do it some more, Baby. Just like that. You know your pussy is dripping? Your juices are falling down onto my mouth and I can taste you."
She sucked back up the length of his cock until just the head was in her mouth. With her eyes half lidded from the pleasure of her fingers and the dirty thoughts of her Daddy's cock in her mouth and her Daddy's eyes on her pussy, she was just about ready to cum. She let his cock fall from her mouth and moaned softly, "I want to cum, Daddy."
"I can make you cum, Baby."
"Do you want to watch me cum or make me?" She slipped her fingers deep into her pussy and then returned to her clit with a soft cry. She sensed his indecision in the tension that invaded his muscles, his held breath, and the hesitation. "Then watch me. I like to be watched, Daddy."
"Cum for me, Baby."
Her hips twisted and rocked with every flick of her fingers. She squirmed on top of him, rubbing the full length of her body against him like a cat begging to be petted. In her apartment with the Prick she had always felt the need to muffle herself, when the rare orgasm occurred. Now, she gave free reign to the vocal side of her orgasm. It started in her toes, bubbling through her nerves and veins like a blitzkrieg. She felt like sinking her teeth into something, but howled with the force of it instead. Her nipples were so hard they felt like icy steel stabbing into his hot abdomen. Her pussy felt like an inferno of wet heat throbbing in rhythm with her heart.
Daddy's cock twitched against her cheek, then a jet of his hot cum hit her in the ear. The urge to suck him came out of no where. She'd never swallowed cum before, never had any desire to, and she suddenly found herself sucking his cock into her mouth and swallowing the rest of his sweet orgasm.
She sucked him well past the diminishing of her orgasm, beyond the softening of his erection, until she became aware that his tongue was slithering through her pussy. Almost regretfully, she let go of his cock and stood up. He eyed her warily from the floor, then sat up as well. "Are you okay, Baby?"
She didn't say anything, just contemplated him and licked her lips. She remembered the taste of his cum and the intense rush at knowing she was showing her cunt to her own Daddy. "I'm fine, Daddy."
"Then get down here, I want more of you."
"I want to watch you do it, Daddy." She sprawled comfortably on the couch, her legs spread obscenely. "Come and lick me."
He smiled dangerously at her and crawled between her legs. She held her breath while he moved in closer, then let it out in a whoosh when the heat from his breath fanned her wet pubes. A few seconds later his fingers slipped inside and opened her pussy. She moaned, sinking her finger into his hair, when the tip of his tongue touched the surface of her exposed vulva. He wriggled it around, tasting the most forbidden flesh there was.
Her hips twitched with every lick. She didn't know how long he spent with his tongue and fingers working inside of her pussy, she just knew that it was driving her crazy and he hadn't even touched her clit yet. She was blubbering incoherently, what little she could hear of herself over the roaring in her ears, about how wonderful it felt. He brought her closer and closer to orgasm, but she couldn't quite reach it. Her clit was standing tall, demanding his attention, but he refused to give it. She tugged at his hair, trying to make him move on from her throbbing hole to her needy clit, but he ignored her.
"Please, Daddy!" she screamed, "I have to cum!"
He paused a moment, she thought he was going to finally lick her clit, but he worked a juicy wet finger into her ass instead. Her back arched off of the couch and she squealed, she felt like she was cumming, without actually getting to. "Daddeeeeee!"
He finally took pity on her. He used two strong fingers to pull her open, popping her clit up for his lips to wrap around. His tongue touched it, and she nearly came, but it wasn't quite enough. He slid some fingers into her pussy and gently petted her vulva. The flat of his tongue made a firm contact with her clit, then began a slow rhythmic back and forth stroking. The finger in her ass was joined by a second one, the slight discomfort of the additional penetration was soothed by attention to her clit.
Once her ass relaxed around his gentle fingers, he finally let her cum. His fingers sawed in and out of her pussy, incessantly rubbing her screaming nerves with liquid fire. The fingers in her ass burned her with an even deep heat, working with and against the ones in her cunt. His tongue worked over her clit like a boxer at a punching bag. She threw her head back, every muscle in her body taut with the power of it, and orgasmed with a long, undulating cry.
"Baby, that was beautiful. You cum so pretty," was the next thing she remembered hearing. The stars were still exploding behind her eyes and her fast, shallow pants were making her even more lightheaded than the orgasm had done for her.
"Oh my god, Daddy."
"I want to watch you cum again and again and again." He prowled along the length of her body, pressing kisses to her skin as he went. "You're so beautiful when you cum."
She blushed, not really sure what to say. She didn't think Miss Manners had any good advice about what to tell your father after he'd given you the orgasm of a lifetime. He resolved the problem by slipping his tongue into her mouth. She tossed whatever reservations she had to the four winds and kissed him back.
"I agree, Daddy. Baby is pretty when she cums." Baby jack-knifed against her father at the sound of Darling's voice cutting through the post-orgasmic lethargy. Luckily, Daddy's solid weight kept them pinned to the couch.
Ball Busting Stories