The aircraft banked to line up with the runway and Julia, sitting in a window seat, saw the houses below racing past. There was a bump, a squeal of wheels on tarmac and the aircraft began to slow and then taxi towards the lounge.
It was nearly four years since Noel had left home, in part at least to put distance between him self and Julia. His visits home since then had been infrequent and brief. They had both understood why this had been so, but now she was to spend a fortnight with him at the cottage.
To be with her again for a length of time was something he had both longed for and yet dreaded. He wondered why she had chosen to come and visit him knowing the risk they ran, but then, perhaps for her the fires of passion and died.
He saw her among the passengers as they approached along the glassed-in walkway. Even then he knew that if the fire had died for her, it had not done so for him.
She stood out among the others, walking elegantly and yet so relaxed, a small in-flight case in her hand. Around five feet eight in height, her long legs well defined in her cream coloured pant suit, her long dark hair framing a heart shaped face was swinging slightly as she walked.
Her beauty drew attention. The men looked at her lustfully and the women enviously. She looked to be in her late twenties; it was hard to believe that she was now forty one.
The arrivals seem to burst into the lounge and into arms of waiting relatives and friends. There was much hugging and kissing. Julia was looking around for him. He waved, she saw him, and in seconds they were embracing.
She said softly, "I've missed you so much, darling," and then pressed her body close to him; he felt the swell of her breasts and the pressure of her lower belly against his, her subtle perfume tantalising his nostrils. Her soft moist lips touched his; they kissed and the kiss went on for so long the people around started to stare, and grinning, nudge each other.
At that moment Noel knew his premonition had been right; the next fortnight would be something of a mini-hell of frustrated desire for her. In a few seconds she had brought on the old hunger, his penis hardening, his mind reeling.
Becoming aware of the attention they were attracting Noel broke from the kiss and pointed saying, "We pick up your luggage over there, I'll go and get a trolley."
He was still breathing heavily as he brought the trolley to the luggage carousel. They plucked her suitcases off and headed for the car park and Noel's car, and loading the cases into the boot he said, "I've only managed to get a week off work because I've only worked for them less than a year, so it's the best I could do."
"A pity darling," she replied, "but I'm a big girl so I can look after myself; besides, I've only been here once on that flying visit with your father when we came to your graduation, so if I can get into Adelaide I'd like to take a look around."
They drove out of the airport and turned right on to Burbridge Road. Arriving at the CBD they made their way along Grote Street to Victoria Square and turning left entered King William Street. Passing through North Adelaide they proceeded into the suburbs along the Main North Road to the town of Gawler, and there turning right onto the Barossa Valley Highway they got to Sandy Creek, turned right at the pub, and thirty seconds later were in the drive of Noel's cottage.
Julia had only seen the cottage briefly when she and her husband, Burton, had come over for Noel's graduation. It was of late nineteenth century vintage and although substantially built had been somewhat dilapidated when she had seen it.
Burton who was buying the place for Noel said it was the worst investment he had ever made, but nevertheless came across with the money, commenting as he did so, "Don't expect any more from me until after I'm dead."
Since then Noel, partly with skilled tradesmen and partly through his own work, had renovated the place. As Julia looked at it now she commented, "Well it looks a lot different from the last time I saw it, what's it like inside?"
They stowed Julia's luggage in the bedroom she was to occupy and then Noel proudly showed her the newly fitted out bathroom, toilet and kitchen. They ended up in the kitchen and Noel made them a cup of tea.
Sitting at the kitchen table Julia said, "I've got something to tell you, and I thought I'd better come and say it to you face to face, so I might as well get it over now."
Noel realised this had to be something serious so he asked a trifle anxiously, "What is it?"
"Your father and I have separated."
There was a long pause, and then Noel said, "Its been coming to this for a long time, hasn't it?"
"Yes," Julia replied, "for a long time, perhaps too long."
"So this is it," Noel thought, "this is why she's come to see me."
It certainly had been a long time coming. At the age of fifteen Julia, influenced by the models she saw on television, thought the women must lead glamorous lives. She announced her intention of becoming a fashion model.
Her parents, almost totally ignorant of the dog eat dog world of fashion modelling, and knowing they had a daughter of rare beauty, agreed that modelling would be a good career for her. They scraped together their limited financial resources and enrolled Julia in "The Chic Modelling Academy."
At the Academy she learned to stand and walk properly, how to wear clothes to best advantage, and above all, how to look sexy. The one slogan constantly dinned into the students' heads was, "Sex sells."
When Julia walked out along the catwalk at her graduation she was under the eye of people from the fashion industry and the rag trade in general. They were on the look out for promising talent.
Julia, despite the best endeavours of the Academy to rid her of the unfortunate trait, combined with her beauty a look of virginal innocence. She caught the eye of several viewers, but one eye in particular; that of Burton Beresford.
Burton had his financial fingers in several fashion house pies and it would be true to say that almost immediately he had become enamoured of Julia.
The other girls were destined to sign up with agencies and to await whatever jobs they could get in a competitive market. Not so with Julia. Burton was determined to keep her under his eye, and she had a continuous stream of jobs in the fashion houses that Burton had a financial interest in. He was present every time Julia went along the catwalk.
Burton was thirty eight at the time and had managed to avoid long term sexual relationships up until then. His sexual needs had been met by a long series of models in the fashion industry.
It was no burden for these women because Burton had the advantages of being handsome and charming, and above all, rich and influential.
When after having occupied Burton's bed for a while he tired of them, he made sure they were rewarded with regular work in their profession. Whether the women or Burton knew it or not, these women were known around the industry as "Burt's ex-crumpet."
That Burton intended to bring Julia to his bed there can be no doubt. He began his campaign in low key fashion, engaging in somewhat avuncular chats with her. From there it went on to drinks, lunches, dinners and theatres.
Julia gained the title, "Burt's current crumpet," around the industry, but this was not quite accurate.
Most of Burton's previous conquests had come easily, he was therefore somewhat disconcerted when he found his attempted seduction of Julia resisted. On the rare occasions when this had happened before he had easily by-passed the resister and turned to a more compliant women.
With Julia it was different. He really was beguiled by this lovely eighteen year old girl. What is more, she was a challenge, and in the ensuing struggle for her body, it was Burton who finally surrendered. He asked her to marry him.
Julia's resistance may have derived from two sources. One was what some might call an unfortunate religious streak in her character holding that sexual intercourse was to be engaged in only within the marriage bond.
The other possible source might have been that Julia, calculating that eventually Burton would ask her to marry him; she would thus have snared a desirable husband.
Whichever was the case, Julia's theology was liberal enough to allow Burton access to her vagina once it had been publicly announced they were engaged and she was sporting an engagement ring containing the largest diamond they had been able to acquire.
Burton, being experienced in such matters, had taken her virginity with the utmost care. Of course there was pain and blood, but having split her hymen he waited for her to heal before he emptied his sperm into her for the first time.
Julia was not experienced in sexual matters, and the upshot was, that as Burton led his lovely bride to the altar, she was five months pregnant.
Of course the experienced Burton might have advised her on ways of avoiding pregnancy, and could for his part have used a condom. This gives rise to the suspicion that he intended that Julia would become pregnant in order to secure his hold on her more firmly.
However it might have been, Burton was delighted that Julia was carrying what he insisted was his son, inside her. In the event he got what he wanted when Noel was born. This was the son who would one day join him in his business.
I think it is true to say that in the early stages of an acquaintanceship when we are trying to make a good impression – especially when we are trying to impress a member of the opposite gender – we try to present the best side of ourselves. It is only later that the less acceptable aspects of our personality and character emerge.
So it was with Julia and Burton. Initially their marriage went well. Burton was proud to have such a beauty as his wife and was grateful to her for giving him the desired son. In addition, Julia, once having experienced sexual intercourse, Burton found that in Julia he had a very libidinous woman to cope with.
Once married, Julia, who had already sickened of the superficiality and pretentiousness of the fashion industry, ceased modelling and devoted her self to motherhood, domesticity and now having access to considerable wealth, to what are generally called "Good works."
Her withdrawal from modelling also suited Burton since he did not want his wife parading before the lustful male eyes of catwalk watchers, especially knowing how he had been one of the lustful viewers.
All seemed set fair for a happy and permanent marriage, except that in time cracks began to appear in the relationship.
Sadly it is the case that in time couples can grow tired of each other. Always the same penis in the same vagina can grow dull. Burton's previous promiscuous sex life might have led to him tiring of Julia, but I think it went beyond this.
Burton was the sort of person who enjoyed collecting beautiful and rare objects. Unfortunately, once acquired, he tended to lose interest. They then existed within his orbit in order to impress others – "See what I have; aren't you impressed?"
Julia came into this category of beautiful things he had collected.
This might not have been fatal to the relationship, but something else emerged that led to the breakdown of their marriage.
Charming Burton may have been, but he was also used to getting his own way, in short, his was a dominating personality. Many women like this in their man, and certainly it had appealed to Julia to begin with, even though she hadn't let him have his way initially.
Remember Julia was very young when she married Burton, but as she matured she became much more her own woman and, I must say, independent and stubborn.
Here was a potentially volatile situation; a man who was of domineering personality and a woman of independence who was not to be dominated.
All of this took time to take effect but there came an occasion when there was a particularly serious confrontation between Julia and Burton, and he decided to punish her.
He was used to observing people's weakness, and so he played on what he thought was Julia's vulnerable point - her need for frequent sexual intercourse.
His final words during the confrontation were, so I have been told, "If that's your attitude then don't expect me to share your bed in future." After that he had occupied a separate bedroom.
If he expected Julia to buckle under and beg him to return to her bed, he had mistaken his woman. The separation went of for weeks, months and then years.
Given this situation the logical outcome would have been divorce. Quite what the motives for not divorcing were remain something of a mystery. I might, however, make a calculated guess.
Burton was a proud man and did not readily admit to mistakes. He was not inclined therefore, to admit he had made a mistake in marrying Julia. There is also the fact that Julia was still extremely decorative, and as publicly they maintained a united front she was still a valuable objet d'arte.
There was also the question of their son, Noel. He was twelve years old at the time their conflict started and Burton recognised that Julia was a very good and loving mother, and he did not wish to be separated from Noel, which he might have been at least in part had there been a divorce.
As for Julia, it may have again been her unfortunate religious streak that kept her within the marriage bond ("Marriage is a holy estate ordained by God").
On the other hand her motive might have been less honourable. Coming from a relatively poor family she had grown used to the luxury of living with a man of wealth, and was not willing to forgo this.
Noel no doubt played his part in the situation. He admired and respected his father and Julia did not wish to make a move that might disrupt this.
Reconciliation might well have been possible, but Burton, possibly as part of his Julia punishing, reverted to his previous life style and met his sexual needs with amenable models, making sure Julia knew about his philandering.
Whether Julia consoled herself with other men I have not been able to discover for certain, but certainly she would have had no difficulty finding herself lovers.
And so the situation had dragged on interminably.
I must now turn to the crisis that came about between Julia and Noel.
When he was sixteen Noel fell in love with Amelia. She was the only girl for him; life without her would be meaningless and impossible; she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
It was with her that Noel had his first sexual experience, and in Noel's view to have sex with a girl meant a lifetime's devotion.
It was therefore a shattering moment in his life when Amelia announced that she was transferring her affections to another.
Noel wept into his pillow at night; he lost his appetite; he went around with a pall of gloom hanging over him; he became pale and wan.
Julia, ever the observant and loving mother, noted what was happening to Noel, and one evening asked him what was wrong. She was the only person he would willing confide such a matter to, and so out it all came. His life was finished and he might as well end it right now.
Smiling within, Julia put on an outwardly solemn face, and drawing Noel to sit beside her on the divan, she put her arm round him and gently explained to him some of the facts of life.
"Darling, young people like you and Amelia are at an age when you're experimenting with relationships. You can't expect Amelia to stick to one boy, any more than you should be sticking with one girl. You have to discover what sort of person you'd like to spend your life with. There'll be other girls, you'll see."
You might be thinking that Julia could well have taken her advice to Noel regarding Burton; after all, she had only been seventeen when she first met him and eighteen when they married. But as it is well known that even when young people ask advice of adults, they do so only to find out what the opposite is so they can do that.
So as with many young people in that situation, Julia's attempt to console and advise might not have convinced Noel, but something happened to send thoughts of Amelia flying to the four corners.
Julia had drawn Noel's head between her breasts and was stroking his hair. He could smell the sensuous fragrance of her perfume and as if out of the blue, Julia, to his mind, took on a new aspect.
Up until that stage of his life Julia had been loving mother; now, as if in an instant, she had also become woman, female – desirable female.
I do not think it happened just like that. I suspect it was something that had been growing imperceptibly that at that moment came bubbling to the surface.
Noel touched her breasts with his hand. Julia kissed him and the kiss went on longer than a filial kiss need have. When they broke from the kiss Noel resumed it as he fondled her breasts more firmly.
It was a moment of tender love between them and Julia, without thinking about it, responded. Her vagina began to lubricate and her nipples grew firm and she touched Noel's penis that had grown hard and was throbbing urgently.
Suddenly Julia, as if realising where things were heading, broke away from Noel, stood looking at him for a moment, and then fled from the room.
She left behind a confused and sexually aroused son, and this became a defining moment in their relationship.
Julia's momentary response to her son's caress and their kiss might be put down to her sexual deprivation, but as I have said, we may never know whether or not she was deprived.
For the next two years they were both aware of each others sexual hunger and they took considerable steps to avoid physical contact. This was not always avoidable but even when such contact did not take place it would have been obvious to an acute observer that these were two people desperately in love with each other.
It is my view that to a lesser or greater degree mothers and their sons often have a sexual longing for each other. Mostly this does not proceed to action, but when it does it can be a rewarding experience. How many mothers and sons have denied themselves that most fulfilling of all physical relationships?
It might be supposed that Burton would have noticed the change in the relationship between mother and son, but if he did note it, he never said anything.
Had their ardour cooled all might have been well, but as Noel came to the end of his high school education he knew he would have to leave home. Things surely could not go on as they were, and one day he, Julia, or both of them, would succumb to the temptation and make a full blooded sexual advance.
If it was only one of them who dared this, their relationship might have been shattered for ever. If both succumbed then it would be both adultery and incest.
For some time Noel had thought that he did not to wish to enter the hot house world of the fashion industry. What he had set his heart on was becoming a vintner.
The course he wanted to follow was available in New South Wales, but he opted instead for one in South Australia. This had the advantage of putting distance between Julia and him.
When he announced his intention Burton was furious. He had never thought other than that Noel would join him in the business. The arguments went on for days but Noel had inherited his mother's stubborn streak and he was adamant.
Julia understood full well why Noel opted for South Australia, and whilst to have Noel so far away from her was heartbreaking, she saw the wisdom of it, thus she supported Noel's plan, using what little influence she still had with Burton to persuade him to let Noel go.
Burton knew he had made a mess of his marriage and he was not prepared to make another mess with his son. He finally relented and then became very supportive.
I may have given a rather negative view of Burton; if I have I will now point out one positive about him; he was not parsimonious and did not use his money to blackmail his son. He paid all the costs involved in the course Noel was to take, and made him a liberal allowance.
I cannot say that Burton's motive was entirely altruistic. He was a proud man and very aware of his public image. If it was learned that his son was struggling through on a pittance then that image might be tarnished. But to give him his due, when Noel had finished his course, and been offered a position at a winery in nearby Barossa Valley, it was Burton who stumped up for the cottage.
While still engaged in his studies Noel had found sexual relief with a couple of girls who were also taking courses at the college. Once he moved into the cottage, and being a very good looking young man with a warm personality, he came to the attention of an older woman whose husband had left her.
She soon had Noel in her bed but she was something of a psychic, or so she claimed. After experiencing Noel's bedtime performance a few times she said he was not really with her; his true love was elsewhere; that until he was united with that love he would remain unfulfilled, but it was a dangerous love.
I don't think she was telling Noel anything he didn't know already, and if I might give a personal opinion I think the lady's pronouncements had little to do with psychic ability and more to do with a slightly more acute observation of people than is usually the case.
She may have been right about Noel not being with her but that did not mean she sent him on his way. Noel had inherited another of his mother's characteristics; a powerful sex drive, and the lady retained his services for some time.
The relationship had come to an end only a few weeks before Julia came for her visit. What ended it was a decision by the lady and her husband to "Try again."
And so Noel found himself temporarily at a sexually loose end. While awaiting the advent of a new lady in his life he had to resort to hand relief to keep his emotions in check. Having experienced the favours of the older lady he now had a taste for that sort of woman and so he was looking around for an available not too old widow or divorcee.
I must now return to Julia and Noel in the cottage on the first Saturday of her visit.
It is often the case that even when a very unsatisfactory relationship breaks up, there is some sense of loss. There is some relief, but with it a sense of failure. So it was for Julia.
Tearfully she said, "Its such a waste...such a waste, if only...if only..." but she didn't seem to know what the "if only" might have been.
It had been her who had left the family home, and Noel asked, "How did father take it?"
"I think he was relieved," Julia replied. "You were right; it's been coming for a long time. I'm forty one now, and I couldn't go on wasting my life in a relationship that hadn't been going anywhere for years. I knew, and I think you knew, that he's been having affairs, but he never brought the women to the house."
She smiled wanly and said, "He can bring as many as he likes there now."
Noel had known about his father and the women, and it was on the tip of his tongue to ask if Julia had taken any lovers, but he couldn't bring himself to probe.
"What are you going to do then?" he asked, "Where will you live, how will you manage?"
That question brought on a paroxysm of weeping. "That's what really hurt," she sobbed. "He's given me such a generous payout. It wouldn't have hurt nearly as much if he'd made me fight for every cent. I know it sounds silly, but I think he still loves me in his odd way."
"Mmm," Noel said, "It's just one of those tragic situations when two personalities can't get along with each other. Do you still love him?"
"I don't know darling; perhaps in a way I still do, but I had to finish it."
"Where are you living?" Noel asked.
"Oh, I'm renting a flat at the moment."
They were sitting on opposite sides of the table and Julia stretched out her arms across it and Noel took her hands in his. Her hands were small and they felt cool and gripped his firmly.
"I'm going to try and find something I can do with the rest of my life," she said quietly, and then smiled faintly and went on, "I don't have much in the way of qualifications do I? I trained as a model and haven't worked in the business for years; I'm a failed wife and probably a less than adequate mother."
"You've been a more than adequate mother," Noel said.
"It's sweet of you to say so darling, even if it isn't true."
"But it is true."
"Then that makes it all the sweeter, my love."
She sighed and withdrew her hands from his.
They sat in silence for a while and then Noel said, "I've booked a table at The Grapes of Wrath for dinner this evening, but..."
"The what?" Julia asked.
"The Grapes of Wrath," it's a restaurant; we do have them here you know."
"How did it get a name like that?"
"Ah, the owner, Sergei, he once saw a film with that name so he thought it would be good for a restaurant in a grape growing region."
"Sergei, is he Russian?"
"Not exactly."
"What do you mean, not exactly?"
"Well, his great grandparents came here from Russia in the early part of the twentieth century. His real name is Fred, but he thinks Sergei sounds better for a restaurant proprietor. He also uses a phoney Russian accent. God know what he'll do if he ever gets a real Russian client, he doesn't speak a word of the language."
"I'll look forward to meeting Sergei," Julia said, "but what are we going to do in the meantime?"
"I thought lunch and then you might like a rest, you've had an early start."
Julia laughed, "I don't think I need a rest, so how about you showing me around the place?"
"You mean Sandy Creek?"
Noel laughed in his turn and said, "That'll take us about five minutes, but we could go down the road, there's a trail that starts there and leads into the Sandy Creek Conservation Park."
"That sound fine; but now before lunch I'd like to put my things away and change."
"If we're going to the conservation park I'd better change myself," Noel replied.
Julia stood and as Noel rose she came to him and put her arms round his neck and said, "Thank you darling."
"What for?"
"For having me here, for listening and...and for being my son."
Her body strained against his. She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. Noel thought he felt her tongue flick over his lips; he put his arms round her waist and pulled her even more tightly to him. Her pubis seemed to move over his hardening penis and they kissed again.
Julia broke from the embrace and saying, "I'll go and change now," she went to her
She left Noel standing there breathing heavily, his heart racing and feeling as if something was stuck in his throat.
He slumped down onto a chair trying to regain some equilibrium.
Had it been any other woman Noel believed that what they had just done would be a precursor to sex. He wondered if Julia knew what she was doing to him.
As he calmed he thought of his camera. About six months back he'd started to take an interest in photography and had bought himself an expensive camera. He had no photographs of Julia, so he thought that he would use the opportunity of her visit to take a few.
He went to his room and changed into shorts and shirt that he thought appropriate for their walk, then taking his camera he went into the lounge and sat waiting for Julia.
He heard faint sounds of drawers and the wardrobe doors being opened and closed. Julia was in fact occupying what was normally Noel's room. It had a large double bed which he thought he ought to let her have, so he had removed most of his things into the room with a single bed.
As he sat in the lounge he looked across at the divan and grinned. His recent older lady had been very fond of that piece of furniture. She had often reclined on it while he took photos of her.
Hidden away in a drawer he had several pictures of her, naked, and in provocative poses. Suddenly it hit him; in moving his things from his bedroom he had not included the photographs. Suppose Julia found them! He offered a silent prayer that she would not use that drawer.
When Julia emerged from the bedroom Noel sat staring at her for a few moments. She was wearing what he could only think of as designer ragged shorts that showed a large expanse of shapely leg. The T-Shirt she was wearing clearly indicated that she had no bras on, and her breasts stirred voluptuously with every movement she made. Her nipples were plainly visible as they pressed against the cloth of the shirt.
Noel's partial recovery from their previous encounter was wiped out in a flash. His erection pressed against the cloth of his shorts and there was nothing he could do to hide it.
In the past he had seen Julia wearing bikinis and even her underwear, but given his mood at that moment he thought he had never seen her look sexier.
Julia looked at the camera and said, "That looks like a good one, I didn't know you'd taken up photography."
"Oh, I bought it some months back. I thought I'd take it with us and get a few pictures of you, I haven't got any."
Julia didn't pursue the matter and instead asked, "Is it time for lunch?"
"Noel glanced at his watch and said, "Yes."
"Good, I'm starving."
"We'll eat at the pub," Noel said.
They walked round to the pub and entered a shady room at the rear. There were several groups of people already present; people using Saturday afternoon to tour The Barossa.
Propped up on the small bar was a blackboard and written in chalk was the menu.
Noel ordered drinks for them, and Julia opted for a ham salad and Noel for fish, chips and salad.
As always Julia drew the attention of people, and now the three men present kept glancing surreptitiously at her while their dowdy wives in their turn looked angrily at their neglectful husbands.
Noel had always been ambivalent about the attention Julia drew. He was proud that his mother was so attractive, but at times he was embarrassed by the salacious attention she got. He recalled how while still at high school, if he brought home any male friends they would spend their time making sure they were always within sight of Julia, and were clearly lusting for her.
From her behaviour it always seemed that Julia was oblivious of the attention she got, and always when with Noel she had focused on him.
After lunch they walked the couple of kilometres to the start of the trail and entered the conservation park. Most of it consisted of bushes and low vegetation, but as they reached its outskirts this gave way to some tall gum trees.
Julia said, "You wanted some photographs of me, so why not take a couple of me standing by that ghost gum?"
"Good idea," Noel agreed.
Julia went to the tree and raising one arm she placed her hand on it. She moved her left leg forward with the knee slightly bent while her right leg remained straight.
The act of raising her arm gave further uplift to her already well uplifted breasts as they strained against the cloth of her shirt.
Poor Noel, he had hardly recovered from one bout of sexual arousal when he was flung into yet another. He felt as if he wanted her as he'd never wanted a woman before, but as he couldn't have her he desperately wanted to masturbate.
He pressed the button and the camera whirred. Julia took up a position that looked as if she was making love with the tree; her lower abdomen pressed against it while her upper body was held away from it as she gazed seductively at the camera, her tongue protruding slightly between her lips.
Whirr; Noel took the picture.
"That do for the time being?" she asked.
"Y-yes, f-fine."
They walked back to the cottage and Julia asked, "What time did you book the table for?"
"Seven thirty."
"We've got plenty of time then, so I think I'd like to have a rest now and then a shower. Do we have to dress formally?"
Noel laughed, "No, I'll just be wearing trousers and shirt."
Julia left him and went to her room. Taking advantage of her absence Noel went to his room and stripping lay on the bed and masturbated. After he cleaned himself with some tissues he lay back on the bed and dozed off.
He was awakened some time later by the sounds coming from the bathroom. It was right next to his room and the indications were that Julia was having a shower.
He rose quickly, and still naked slipped across to the room she was occupying. He went to the drawer with the photographs in it. It contained some of Julia's underwear but no photos.
Thinking he might have been mistaken about which drawer he had put them in he hunted through the other drawers, but they were not there. There were only two possibilities; he had put them in some other place he had forgotten, or Julia had found and removed them. He didn't relish the idea of Julia seeing them.
He did not dare risk a further search of the room, so he went back to his own room and lay on the bed again.
He thought about the photos. She had been very willing to explore the possibilities of their sexual unions, and had posed for him frequently.
He recalled how she loved to draw his head between her large breasts and tease his lips with a nipple until he sucked on it. She would hold his head to her and whimper as his fingers searched her vagina and clitoris.
She had particularly enjoyed the sixty nine position, and as Noel had lapped up her love juice she had relished tasting his sperm. Yet despite the frequent sexual athletics they had engaged in, neither of them was really content. Noel languished for Julia, and although she never said so, Noel suspected that the lover she wanted was her husband.
"Well," he thought gloomily, "she's got her husband but I haven't got Julia."
She had finished her shower and Noel went to take his. Under the warm water he visualised Julia who had stood their naked just a few minutes ago. That image of her caused him to masturbate again, his sperm splashing against the tiles of the shower wall.
His masturbating might have temporarily relieved his urgent sexual hunger, but it left him still low-spirited and wondering how he was going to cope over the following days.
He pulled on a pair of dark blue slacks and a white shirt and went in search of Julia. She hadn't yet emerged from her room so he sat waiting for her in the lounge. When she appeared she was wearing a white, knee length dress trimmed with dark blue.
The hem line may have been perfectly respectable but the same could not be said of the neckline, or more accurately, the breast line. It began just above her nipples and then plunged down between her breasts in a vee shape, displaying a deep cleavage. Once more it was obvious that her breasts were unrestrained.
Noel felt his heart starting to race and despite having masturbated twice he got another erection.
Calmly Julia looked at him and asked, "Will I do?"
Noel was jerked out of his trance, "Er...what?"
"Will-I-do-like-this?" Julia said patiently as if talking to a moron.
" look..." he almost said sexy, but instead said, "lovely."
"You won't be ashamed to be seen with me then?"
"Ner...ner-no. I...I've never ber-been always"
Julia put him out of his agony saying, "That's all right then. Do we leave now?"
" mean...yes."
They drove to one of The Valley towns and pulled into the parking area behind The Grapes of Wrath. Inside they were met by Sergei a short plump middle aged man who was dressed as a Cossack – or what he imagined was Cossack.
"Ah, Noel my dear friend, welcome, your table is ready and all is as you ordered."
He looked keenly at Julia and said, "But who is this lovely lady you bring to honour my restaurant. Did you not say you were to dine with your mother?"
Noel began to say, "This is..."
"Julia Burton," Julia cut in quickly, extending her hand; "His mother couldn't come; I'm a friend of the family so she asked me to visit Noel just to see how he's settled in."
Sergei took her hand it in his and held on for a just a little longer than was necessary for a handshake.
"And you are staying with Noel?"
"Yes, just for a couple of weeks."
A knowing gleam came into Sergei's eyes and saying, "Your table is this way," he led them to a secluded and dimly lit corner of the restaurant. In the centre of the table was a red rose in a tall slender glass, and on either side candles.
Sergei pulled out Julia's chair and helped her sit. With a flourish he lit the two candles and stood back looking at the table setting admiringly.
"It is very romantic, is it not? He turned away, snapped his fingers and called out, "Ivan Ivanovich."
A tall, thin man also wearing Cossack garb came hurrying to the table carrying a bottle of champagne and two champagne glasses in an ice bucket. He put the bucket on a stand beside the table and then proceeded to uncork the bottle. The cork gave a loud pop and hurtled towards the ceiling, eventually landing some distance away; Sergei looked at Ivan sternly and gave a flicking motion of dismissal with his hand and the Ivan galloped off.
Sergei gave a slight bow and said, "Pyotr Stepanovich is your waiter for the evening, he will be with you shortly." He gave another bow, and then waddled off.
"What a performance," Julia laughed.
"Yes," Noel said, "and don't be fooled by the names. Ivan is really Ian McCulloch and Pyotr is Shamus O'Leary."
As Noel poured the champagne Julia, indicating the rose and candles asked, "Did you really order all this?"
"What do you mean, why? And by the way, why the hell did you introduce yourself as Julia Burton?"
"I thought it was rather clever of me darling, using your father's given name as my family name."
"Yes, but why did you do it?"
Julia gestured again at the rose, candles and champagne and said, "Perhaps I've got my own idea of a romantic evening."
"You know what Sergei and the others will be thinking, don't you?"
"Yes, isn't it lovely?"
"Sergei won't swallow that friend of the family bit."
"Of course he wont darling, he'll think I'm an older woman you've picked up and whom you hope to take to your bed tonight."
"Yes, so why did you do it."
Julia looked at him coquettishly and said, "Perhaps that's what I wanted him to think."
"You know we'll have to keep up the Julia Burton fiction all the time you're here, don't you? Sergei knows all sorts of people in The Barossa and word will get around that I've got myself a woman."
"Do you mind?"
"Well...but suppose I slip up and call you mother?"
Julia gave a silvery laugh and said, "Then you'll just have to make sure you don't."
Julia raised her glass to Noel and said, "Here's to a lovely fortnight together."
"To a lovely fortnight," Noel responded doubtfully, wondering how he was going to cope with Julia's increasingly enticing manner.
Pyotr arrived to take their order, and stared fixedly at Julia's breasts, so they had to repeat their order he was so distracted.
More people began to arrive, and despite the seclusion and dimness of their corner the men soon spotted Julia and the covert stares began.
A couple of Noel's colleagues came in, and seeing Noel and Julia they came over and had to be introduced. It had to be Julia Burton of course.
Julia Visits
by Moondrift©
They were part way through their meal when Noel suddenly froze, his fork half way to his mouth. A man and a woman had entered and were being shown to their table. The woman looked directly at Noel as if she knew he would be there. She smiled, said something to the man, and came over to Noel and Julia.
For a moment she stood staring at Julia, then said to Noel, "Well aren't you going to introduce us?"
Noel was jolted out of his trance-like state and stuttered, "Er...the...this is a...a fer...friend of..."
"Denise Rogers," the woman said, "a friend of Noel's. You'll be Julia."
"Yes, Julia Burton."
Denise looked at her strangely and then muttered, "Burton? I must have got it wrong."
"Julia is visiting for a couple of weeks," Noel managed to say.
"I think longer," Denise said. "She's the one."
She smiled and said, "I'm pleased to have met you Julia; have a happy life." She turned and left abruptly.
"What a strange woman," Julia whispered. "What did she mean by, 'she's the one'?"
Noel struggled to produce a grin and said, "She is a bit strange. She says she's psychic."
"Have you known her long?" Julia asked.
"Oh, about twelve months but I haven't seen much of her lately."
"Julia looked across at the table where Denise was sitting and said, "She really is rather attractive in a buxom sort of way. How old is she?"
"Oh, I'm not really sure, probably approaching fifty."
"Really! She looks a lot younger."
"Do you think so...yes, I suppose she does."
"How well do you know her?"
"Ah...ah...oh...reasonably well, why?"
"Just curious I suppose. How did she know my name?"
" I mentioned it some time."
Noel was fairly sure he hadn't mention Julia to Denise, and certainly not as Julia Burton. He wondered if she was a better psychic than he had thought she was.
To do him justice Noel did feel badly about trying to verbally brush off Julia's questions about Denise. She was after all a woman he had spent many hours in bed with - or alternatively on the divan. He'd got the photos of her naked – or at least he had. He wondered apprehensively if Julia had found them.
Before the end of the meal Noel went to the toilet. One of his colleagues was there and he clapped Noel on the back and said, "You lucky sod, where the hell did you find her?"
"Oh, she's just a friend of the family."
"Wish I had a family friend like her, is she staying at your place?"
"Yes, for a couple of weeks."
"Aha, do I detect something serious?"
", nothing like that."
The colleague was about to say that in that case perhaps Noel would send her over to his place, but instead he said, "Hasn't got a sister has she?"
"No, I'm afraid not."
The colleague washed his hands and went on, "Well, have a good time," and left.
Returning to the table Noel said, "What did I tell you, they've got us in bed together already."
"No darling, that's what I told you. Do you mind if they think that?"
"No I don't suppose so."
"Then that's all right. Can I have a liqueur?"
"Yes, of course." Noel raised his hand and Ivan came bounding over.
"Two Benedictines please."
Ivan hastened off to return a minute later with their drinks.
Julia sipped her drink and said, "You didn't tell me why you arranged this dinner."
"Why shouldn't I? I don't often have my lovely mother to myself so I wanted it to be as nice as I could make it."
"Thank you my darling."
Julia picked up the red rose and testing it for thorns and finding none, put it between her cleavage.
"Next to my heart," she said, looking tenderly at Noel.
Noel thought he detected the gleam of tears in her eyes.
As they drove home Julia placed her hand on Noel's arm and kept it there.
Inside the cottage Julia said, "It really has been a long day, I think I'll go to bed. Is there anything planned for tomorrow?"
"I thought we'd go and visit some of the wineries. Would you like that?"
"Yes, I'd love it, are there many?"
Noel laughed, "Enough to keep us busy for a couple of days if that's what you'd like. You'll be able to do some free wine tasting."
"I might get drunk."
Noel laughed again and said, "Yes, you might."
Julia gave him a provocative glance and said, "You'd have to put me to bed." She paused for a moment, and still looking at Noel she murmured, "You'd have to undress me first."
She pulled close to Noel, kissed him quickly on the lips and went to her bedroom, leaving a dazed Noel standing in the lounge.
He flopped down into an armchair trying to collect his wits. He puzzled over what Julia was trying to do. Was she offering herself to him or just playing games? If it was a game it was a cruel game, and he couldn't bring himself to believe she would do that to him.
He heard water running in the bathroom and assumed Julia was cleaning her teeth. When he heard her finish he went and cleaned his own.
Meeting Denise had been an embarrassment, but he wished she was there now so that he could ejaculate into her and gain some relief for his overburdened testes.
In his bedroom he undressed and naked lay on top of the bed, listening for any sounds that Julia might make. If only he could make a move that might bring them together in an act of sexual union, but he hadn't the courage. If he made a move he might shatter their relationship and he loved her too dearly to risk that.
He masturbated and whispered her name as he ejaculated.
Had he known what Julia was doing the whole situation might have changed, but he didn't know.
Like Noel she was lying naked on the bed, a green dildo with its vibrator turn up to full power, its tip teasing her clitoris. One hand caressed a breast and her fingers occasionally tweaking its hard nipple.
As she felt the first intimation of her approaching orgasm she thrust the dildo deep into her vagina and drove it rapidly back and forth. At the moment of her climax she whispered, " darling...I love you."
Over the pinnacle she slowed her movements until she laid back, her eyes half closed and breathing heavily.
She wondered why Noel had not responded to her attempted seduction. Was he really so frightened of incest? They would have this short time together and would be something for both of them to remember for the rest of their lives; a few days in which they would show each other their mutual love.
She thought of the years ahead. One day Noel would marry; there would be grandchildren, but always there would be this one beautiful secret between them.
Tomorrow she would try again; she had her plan, but if that didn't work she would not try again.
The dildo was still in her vagina so she started to move it again. She came to orgasm a second time and this left her weeping.
In his bedroom just a few metres away Noel was masturbating again. It seemed he just couldn't stop himself from wanting Julia.
They both slept restlessly and when they did sleep their dreams were of each other.
Morning, and Noel felt as if he had hardly slept at all. As he lay there he heard Julia on the move. Wondering what she was doing he rose, and putting on his dressing gown made his way to the bathroom.
His penis smelt of the residual sperm that had dried on it, so he showered. He went back to his room and dressed for their tour round the wineries, and then went in search of Julia.
He found her in the kitchen eating porridge laced with honey. She was wearing a pale green housecoat, and as he entered she looked up and smiled.
"I helped myself to the porridge and honey, I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind, but I'd forgotten I'd got any porridge."
"You mean you don't eat it?"
"No, I usually just have coffee and toast."
"Well I made some extra so there's some left for you."
Noel poured the glutinous porridge into a bowl and added honey.
"You know," Julia said, "Our ancestors on my side were Scots and they're great porridge eaters, but I think they used salt and not honey. What shall I wear for the tour?"
"Oh, just casual things," Noel said with his mouth full. "I'm dressed already," he added smugly.
"And I've made porridge and tea," Julia retorted, "Perhaps you'd like to make breakfast tomorrow, and I don't want coffee and toast."
Julia spooned the last of the porridge into her mouth and washed it down with tea.
"While I'm showering and dressing you can do the washing up."
"Yes my lady," Noel said.
Julia left him to get on with it.
The removal of the porridge from the saucepan was a Herculean task since the residual porridge seemed to be having a meaningful affair with the saucepan, and fought against being separated.
The washing up over Noel sat waiting for Julia. The missing photos of nude Denise came to mind, and he decided that he would start a search for them in case he'd put them in a place he'd forgotten.
Drawers were ransacked in the kitchen; the armchairs and divan in the lounge were explored, the divan cushions being strewn across the floor.
Julia entered wearing the same designer ragged shorts she had worn the day before but with a different shirt.
Julia was the sort of woman who could wear an old Hessian bag and make it look like a two thousand dollar outfit. In her shorts and shirt she looked sexier than any woman Noel could remember.
It was going to be another hard day for him, in both senses of that word.
"What on earth are you doing?" Julia asked.
"Oh, just tidying up a bit."
"Tidying up! The place looks as if a hurricane has just passed though," she said exaggeratedly.
Noel seemed to have forgotten it was his cottage and that he could do what he liked in it, and he said humbly, "I'll put it all back."
"Just as well I've visited if this is the way you live."
"No, I was just..."
Julia set about replacing the cushions, and having done so said, "Let's go."
They managed to visit four wineries that morning and then lunched at a pub. Julia, under Noel's expert guidance, sampled a considerable number of wines but did not exactly get drunk, nevertheless was in exceedingly high spirits as a result of imbibing.
She was surprised at how many people Noel knew and how readily people greeted each other.
They lunched at a pub in one of the towns and after they had finished Noel, who since he was driving had left the drinking up to Julia asked, "Do you want to visit some more wineries this afternoon?"
Julia, whose high spirits had now translated into a drowsy feeling said, "Perhaps we could leave it to another time, I think I'd like to have a sleep."
Noel grinned and said, "Right, we'll go back to the cottage."
During the drive back to the cottage Julia dozed off, and on arrival had to be wakened. It did not prove necessary for Noel to put her to bed or undress her. Whether you consider this to be a good or bad thing will depend on your point of view.
Julia made her own way into the bedroom. Dropped down on the bed still wearing her shorts and shirt, and promptly went to sleep.
Noel set about tidying up the mess he had made that morning but he was still troubled by the whereabouts of the photographs. He felt that there was little point in resuming the search since he'd looked everywhere already.
Everyone has there own level of libidinous energy. With some it is weak even to vanishing point. With others it can be an extremely persistent and potent force. What level of libidinous energy is best is nigh on impossible to say, but with Noel, on a scale of one to ten, he would register around 9.5.
Noel usually revelled in his potency, and in this he had been joined by Denise who appreciated his ability to come into her three or four times a night. Now Noel was cursing his potency, wishing he had been emasculated so that he would not suffer the constant sexual desire for Julia.
For a while he stretched out on the divan contemplating the situation he was in regarding Julia. The image of her laying there on the bed was sufficient to arouse him, and not daring to risk Julia coming in and seeing him, he went to his bed to masturbate.
He had a brief doze when he had finished, and on waking went to the bathroom to wash his genitals. He went to the kitchen, took a look at the available food stocks, and decided that, in the style of many young bachelors there was only a limited choice.
This had been yet another advantage with Denise; she had often cooked meals for him.
He decided that he would wait until Julia surfaced to decide whether she would like to settle for what was available, or go out again for a meal (Noels usual ploy), but not to The Grapes of Wrath, which was horrendously expensive, and the next time there would be on the last night of Julia's stay.
Soon after he heard Julia showering and then she appeared, seemingly recovered from her alcohol induced weariness, and looking very bright.
"Let's have a cup of coffee," she said.
"Right," Noel replied and they went into the kitchen. As Julia watched Noel making the coffee which was just about the cheapest brand of instant coffee you could buy, she said, "That's awful stuff, next time we go out I'll get come decent coffee."
Julia's judgement was not far wrong because the coffee bore a distinct resemblance to dish water.
Having drunk less than half the cup, Julia poured the rest down the sink, and then said brightly, "Do you want to take any more photographs of me?"
"Yes," Noel replied.
"Then why don't you take some of me on that lovely big divan of yours?"
Noel had an instant image of Denise, naked on the divan, but he replied in what he hoped was a casual manner, "Yes, if you like. I'll go and get the camera."
When he returned it was to see that Julia had heaped up the cushions against the wall at the head of the divan. She was wearing what she had put on after showering, an oriental wrap around decorated with dragons. She was stretched out in a half sitting half lying position, with one leg stretched out and the other bent at the knee and drawn up slightly. The wrap had slipped back to reveal her thighs almost to her genitals.
Take me like this, darling."
Julia moved into a fully lying position and arched her back, as if presenting her vagina.
Julia now came to a kneeling position, her lower legs bent under her, her back straight.
"I think I know how you'd like to take me," she said enticingly.
"How?" Noel asked his voice sounding hoarse and his legs staring to feel like jelly.
Julia reached into the pocket of her wrap and drew out a yellow envelope.
Noel realised immediately what it was; his photographs of Denise. His cheeks flamed with embarrassment. He waited for some caustic comment from Julia.
Instead she drew out one of the photographs and turning it so that Noel could see it, she said, "How about taking me like this?"
The photograph showed Denise in the identical position Julia had adopted, except that her large breasts were on display.
Noel struggled to find a response, but as he watched, Julia pulled the wrap from her shoulder, letting it sing to her waist, thus revealing her breasts. She asked, "Would you like me like this, or shall I take it off completely?"
Noel, was overcome by the beauty of her breasts, their clear ivory coloured skin and dark pink nipples set in light brown aureoles.
Julia interrupted, "Julia, remember, I'm Julia now."
"Mo...Julia you wouldn't want me to..."
"Why not, you did it with Denise."
"Take me like this," Julia commanded.
I've never seen the photograph that Noel took, but I suspect it would have a rather blurred image since his hands were trembling so violently.
"Mo...Julia, why are you doing...?"
Julia cut in sharply, "For God's sake Noel, why do you think I've come here, to look at a cottage?"
"You said you'd come to tell me about...."
"I know what I said, but I had to say something didn't I. I've come here to find out if the answer is yes or no."
For a moment Julia looked exasperated and it seemed that she was going to snap at him again, but instead she laughed and laying back on the cushions and extending her arms to Noel said, "I think its time we stopped playing games, you know what the question is, we both do, so come and lay here with me and we can debate it in comfort.
Setting aside the camera Noel hesitantly went to Julia and lay beside her.
Julia turned and bending over Noel she kissed him. It was a soft kiss and Julia ran the tip her tongue over his lips.
"I love you darling," she whispered close to his ear, "we've waited so long, but now it's time, so I want your answer, yes or no?"
But mo...Julia it would be..."
"Yes, incest, does that matter? We need to express our love for each other and if we don't I might just as well leave tomorrow, because the real reason for my visit is to find out if you still want me."
"You know I'll always want you," Noel replied huskily.
"Then why the hell don't you take me darling."
Julia kissed him again, this time with her mouth wide open, her tongue exploring.
Noel reached for a breast and started to fondle it.
"I've got my answer," Julia murmured, "so I might as well take this off.
She rose for a moment and the wrap fell to the floor, leaving her naked.
"Darling, why don't you strip, or do I have to do it for you?"
Noel rose and took off his clothes. Julia looked at him appreciatively and said, "I can see I haven't come all this way for nothing."
Noel still seemed to hesitate so she took his hand and drew him back to the divan. She placed his hand to her breast, crushing his fingers round it, and then kissed him hungrily.
"Why don't you do something nice to me, darling," she whispered.
There was one thing that in his fantasies he had always wanted to do to her, so Noel kissed his way down her body.
He knelt between her legs, and she opened them wider to give him a clear view of the long firmly indented groove that was her pudenda. She was completely lacking pubic hair, waxing a practice begun when she was modelling bikinis and other scanty clothing, and since Burton had liked it that way, she had continued it.
As he watched Julia reached down with her hand and raised the hood of flesh covering her clitoris. Noel started with surprise. This was not the first clitoris he had seen, but its size startled him. The others that he had experienced had been minute mounds; Julia's had all the appearance of a small penis.
Julia began to play with the delicious protuberance, making soft cries of ecstasy. As Noel watched her she moaned, "Suck me there, darling."
He drew her to the edge of the divan and as he knelt before her on the floor she opened her legs wider and placing her fingers on her outer lips she opened them.
Noel gazed at that glistening moist complexity that is the female sex organ. He bent forward and pressed his lips to it, inhaling her female fragrance. Beginning to lick her he tasted her sweet love juice, and then, as Julia had asked him, he took her penis-like clitoris into his mouth and sucked.
Above him he heard Julia's moans rise to become cries of elation – "I'm coming darling...I'm coming..."
Her legs came over his shoulders and her hands behind his head, holding him to her. She began to tremble and soon her whole body was vibrating so despite her legs and hands gripping him he had to put his arms round her thighs to keep in contact with her.
The lower part of his face was becoming saturated with her fluid and he moved his tongue from her clitoris to thrust it into her vagina.
Gradually Julia began to calm and she withdrew from Noel to move so she lay along the divan, her legs spread wide, arms outstretched to him.
I didn't mean it to be like that darling," she said softly, "The first time I wanted you to come into feel you in me...your me..."
He came into her arms and she guided his penis into her.
He gasped as he felt the first warm, moist touch of her inner lips. He penetrated slowly, as if wanting to relish every millimetre of that paradisaical tunnel of love that spasmodically gripped and released his length.
When he was deep inside her he stopped for a moment saying, "I knew it would be beautiful with you."
Julia smiled up at him and said, "It takes two, darling."
He started a slow withdrawal and penetrating movement, kissing her, one hand on her breast the other under her buttocks, pulling her to him with every downward thrust.
Nothing in all his sexual experienced had matched this moment of love with Julia.
"Your so lovely he said."
"Come into me darling...let me feel you coming into me."
He speeded up his movements and suddenly Julia cried out, "I'm coming again darling...come with me...come with...oh dear God...mmmah....mmmah....oha...aaah...oh...yes...yes..."
Her hands were clutching at him frenziedly; she seemed to have lost all control as she screamed and howled with mingled rapture and agony as her orgasm took command of her body.
Noel gave a massive thrust and deep inside her he planted his seed.
Julia's cries rose to new heights as she felt his sperm filling her and then, as she passed over the plateau of her climax she began to weep and sob uncontrollably.
"Stay with me...stay with me...I'm still...ah...ah...ah...oh my love..."
Noel emptied the last of his sperm into her, but continued to move.
Julia was frantically covering his face with kisses, her face wet with tears.
Slowly, very slowly, they calmed. The storm of long held back passion had for a while passed over them and flowed on.
Noel made a move to withdraw from her, but she quickly put her hands behind his buttocks and saying, "" she held him in her.
"I want to feel you there," she sobbed, "don't leave me yet."
Noel smiled saying, "I only wanted to suck your nipples and it's difficult like this."
Julia, endeavouring to return his smile through her tears said, "You'll have to wait because I won't let you go, so you'll just have to fondle my breasts until I decide to release you."
"Don't ever release me," he said.
"I won't," Julia replied.
It was at that moment the full impact of what they had done struck home. They had begun something that would not easily be ended. She had felt Noel's love for her communicated clearly in their sexual union, and the long held love she had for him had been confirmed.
Although separated she was still married, so she had committed adultery as well as incest. She had also established the fiction of Julia Burton and soon, as Noel had said, many people would know that she was something more than a visiting friend.
Her thoughts were interrupted. Noel whose penis was still inside her, had begun to stir. He had got another erection and was moving in her. This was a heaven she had dreamed of; she would lay there letting him take her; she would give to him without seeking any return.
Suddenly she made a powerful move, pushing Noel from her. Noel thought he was being rejected, but Julia said, "Lie back darling, lie back."
He obeyed and she moved down his body to his erect manhood. She took it in her hand and for a few moments looked at it, and then she ran her tongue over its head.
She tasted her vaginal fluid mingled with his sperm still lingering on his penis, and smelt their combined aroma. She started to lick and suck her way along his length, back and forth, as he groaned and writhed.
Moaning, "I'm going to come," he made as if to remove his penis, but she forced it back into her mouth.
She felt his testicles with her hand and imagined she could feel their sperm laden state. She sucked hard as if she would drain them, and suddenly she felt the first jolt of his sperm into her mouth.
Despite her attempts to swallow the salty and viscous discharge, it started to fill her mouth; she could not remember that Burton had ever ejected so much semen.
Noel, now holding her head to him, grunted and groaned with every fresh eruption of his seed. As he finished Julia sucked even harder, as if she wanted to empty him of every drop.
She felt him relax. The sperm that had flowed from her mouth hung in sticky strands from her chin. As she move away from him Noel took hold of her and began to lick the gooey liquid from her face.
The atmosphere in the lounge was redolent of the post-coital fishy smell that follows passionate love making.
They lay locked I each other's arms for a while, neither of them speaking until Julia stirred and said, "Darling, we do smell a bit, I think we should shower."
Noel grinned at her and said, "I like the smell, its making me feel horny again."
"You can't be," Julia protested. Even in the early days of her marriage Burton had never recovered so quickly.
She reached down and took Noel's penis into her hand, and discovered he had not been boasting, it was long and hard. In that moment she realised that she had found a potency to match the needs of her libido.
Had she had any doubts left concerning Noel's sexual ardour, that night dispelled them. They had released in each other an insatiable desire. Even after he had ejaculated Noel was content to stay with his penis in Julia, as if he wanted them to grow together and become one. This for Julia was a heaven.
It was on the second day after they became lovers that Julia was jolted into a reality she had not anticipated.
While she was sitting across him and slowly rotating her hips he said, "I want to make you pregnant."
Julia stopped her movements. She had vaguely thought that one day Noel would get married and have children, but she had never visualised it being with her.
She might not have visualised it, but then, why had neither of them taken precautions to prevent pregnancy? After the birth of Noel Julia had taken the contraceptive pill, but once it became clear that Burton was not going return to her bed, she had at first occasionally forgotten to take it, and then stopped taking it altogether.
This is the only real clue I have that suggests that Julia did not take lovers, but of course, if she did they might have used condoms.
She knew she was still fertile, but at forty one it was said to be dangerous for a woman of her age to bear a child. But Noel might already have impregnated her; did she want this?
"Yes...yes...I do want it," she thought. To have a child with Noel; that would be wonderful she decided.
Ignoring the fact that she might already be pregnant, she started to move again, pumping faster and faster, crying out as orgasm approached, "Yes...yes darling...make me pregnant...fertilise me..."
For two more days they barely left the bed and then only to eat or shower. It was only as the food supplies ran low that they had to emerge into the outside world to shop.
They met people whom Noel knew, and it was obvious to them that Noel and Julia was a radiantly happy couple. People muttered things like, "Wedding bells soon."
Of course there could never be wedding bells.
The last day before Julia was due to fly back to Sydney Noel said to her, "You won't go back, will you?"
"But darling, I must go back, I've..."
Noel felt sick. So it had all been a nice couple of weeks and that was it.
Hurt and angry he started to say, "So it's all been a game...a pleasant interlude for you...why did you start it when you knew I..."
Julia stroked his face and hair saying, " didn't let me finish. I was going to say I'll have to go back to Sydney to settle things there. I can't just walk away from the place. I've left my car there and all sorts of other things...oh darling, why did you think I'd leave you now? I'll be back as soon as I can."
Noel felt a wave of relief pass through and over him. He had found the woman he wanted and to lose her would now be ten times worse than losing Amelia.
"You are a silly boy," Julia cajoled. "Now take me to bed and I'll prove how much I love you."
It took Julia about a month to settle her affairs in Sydney, and by the time she returned to Noel and Sandy Creek she was able to tell him she was pregnant.
When it became obvious to all who saw her that Julia was pregnant, she and Noel absented themselves from The Barossa for a week. When Julia had left Burton she had removed her wedding and engagements rings. When they returned to the cottage she was wearing them again.
Whether or not the people believed they were married, they at least accepted the fiction that they were, and referred to Julia as Mrs. Beresford. It amused her that having been Mrs. Beresford once, she was now Mrs. Beresford for a second time.
She eventually gave birth to a girl, Sandra. It is the only child they have had and Sandra is now eight years old. Whether or not her training as a model helped, but Julia got a job as a guide, taking people round The Barossa wineries.
Julia did wonder if Noel would eventually tire of her, and drop her in favour of a younger woman. But Noel has shown no inclination to leave Julia and his daughter, and if they are not as frequent in their lovemaking as during those first two weeks, they are no less ardent when they do come together.
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