My induction was quick and within the very first day I felt that I belonged there, everything seemed perfect, then I met Marcia. She didn't really have a job title but seemed to be in charge of a whole heap of things. She did the wages, controlled the stationary, organised staff, dealt with discipline and grievances and covered a whole range of other activities. It amazed me that she had to deal with so much, but also that everyone in the company seemed to treat her with such respect, almost bordering on fear. Lee, a pretty sexy girl I sat across from told me that Marcia had been in the army before and was like that. I hadn't encountered her during my interviews, rather two blokes interviewed me, I got on great with them and a week later had a new job. So when, on that first morning I needed to get pens, paper and other stuff I was told to go along the corridor to Marcia's office and see her about it
Now I'm not usually a timid or nervous person, polite yes, and a little soft spoken, but generally pretty confident. Anyway, from the minute I knocked on the door and entered I was totally intimidated. I can't easily explain what it was, she just stared at me with almost open disdain and I felt like I shrank before her. She was a tall woman, very straight backed, in her late forties I guessed with dark brown hair that was straight and shoulder length and just the fiercest ice, blue eyes imaginable. I just seemed to freeze in her gaze, my mouth clammed shut as she stared right at me and it seemed to be the longest time before I stammered my request. I retrieved a pad and a couple of pens nervously and exited her office as fast as my feet could carry me. I stood outside her door feeling a shiver pass up my spine. What the hell was that? I felt so weird, but the really weird thing was that I was sporting the beginnings of a hard on in my trousers. I had been somewhat aroused by my first encounter with this woman!
For the next week or so I couldn't really escape thinking about my reaction to meeting Marcia. I couldn't understand my arousal, she wasn't good looking or sexy and yet just replaying the incident in my mind brought faint stirrings to my nether regions. How strange! Somehow I managed to evade Marcia for a week or so but when my leaving papers came in from my previous job I knew that I would have to hand them in to her and it was with a fair degree of trepidation that I went to her office again, papers in hand.
This time I knocked and waited until a clearly exasperated voice from within bade me to "Come in."
I cracked open her door and walked in and immediately I felt a change come over my demeanour. I had been laughing and flirting with the girls in the sales office only minutes before but just seeing the fierce features of Marcia reduced me to a bumbling, clumsy idiot and I struggled to stammer out what I was doing there. She turned her glare on me as I struggled to make myself clear and almost snatched the papers from my grasp. I nervously thanked her and stopped as I realised she was staring intently at me. Or rather not so much at me but at my crotch. I glanced down to see, to my horror, that there was a tent pole pitched in my groin! My God I had grown stiff again in her presence! I hurriedly turned and left the office, feeling Marcia's cold glare on my back. I really felt like a naughty child in her presence and it was turning me on. I was so confused.
So confused that I really went to great pains to avoid Marcia at work, which wasn't that difficult as she always seemed so busy with her work and spared no time for idle chit-chat with anyone seemingly. So I managed to put it behind me a bit but it was always in the back of my mind. Now, I'm a lazy bugger at the best of times and this job gave me access to the internet and being the idiot that I am I did a bit of surfing the net for various stuff, including, you guessed it, some soft porn (dumb I know and kids don't do it). All of which led to me being summoned to Marcia's office at quarter to five one Wednesday afternoon. She kept me waiting, which pissed me off because I didn't know what she wanted me for and it was after five before she called me in.
"Sit down Stewart. My you look nervous. Do I make you nervous?"
I just gulped and stammered no and concentrated as much as I could to not get stiff in this mean, old woman's presence.
"I'll cut to the chase Stewart, I'm a busy woman. It has come to my attention that someone has been using your computer to access certain web-sites that, aah the company wouldn't expect you to visit in the course of your normal duties. Do you have anything to add to that?"
I must have flushed bright red and acted and looked really guilty. I tried to stammer a denial but knew immediately that I was fooling no-one and the icy, crocodile like smile that passed over Marcia's mouth froze me in my shoes. She knew she had me. I knew she had me and we both stared at each other awaiting the others move.
Marcia gave a menacing chuckle and spoke with a gleeful malice.
"So I take it you don't deny it boy. No don't bother now, it's too late. And you do know you're still on probation here and this definitely constitutes an act of gross misconduct. I'm afraid you'll be sacked immediately. Still never mind. I'll tell the boss tomorrow. Good night."
I squirmed in my seat, not really knowing what to do or say. I had been stupid and found out and it was obvious this woman was enjoying my embarrassment and having such a hold over me. All of a sudden the daftness of my actions came to me, I would be fired, out of a job and the world would probably know why. I saw my future life flash before me, a blur of facing my parents, being evicted, living in a box and becoming a desperate hobo, my only comfort coming from a bottle. It was terrifying.
I finally found the courage to look up and try to meet Marcia's eyes. She was looking at me as imagine a cruel cat would spy a mouse just prior to toying with it and eating it. She seemed to be able to read all the desperate thoughts racing through my mind and, without taking those cold eyes off me, she stood up and moved round her large wooden desk until she stood to my left hand side.
"Of course, I suppose I could be persuaded not to forward this information."
A way out? Salvation? My heart leapt at the prospect of redemption. I swung my chair around to face her, my face showing some hope at this comment, perhaps I could get out of this mess yet.
"You could? Anything, you name it Marcia, I'll do anything to forgot about this and start again. Please. |t was just a stupid mistake, I promise."
My pathetic pleading brought a wicked smile across the older woman's face, she had me where she wanted me and we both knew it. When she addressed me her voice was even harder than before and the tremendous power and confidence of the woman made itself abundantly clear to me.
"Firstly, you perverted little worm you had better never call me by my name again unless I let you. You don't deserve to. You'll call me Mistress from now on. Understand?"
II should have seen where this would lead. should have stood up and told her where to go, I should have got out of there and taken my chances in the big, bad world. I should have but I didn't. What I did was and meekly and murmur.
"Yes, Mistress."
I felt like a naughty schoolboy and she was the strict Headmistress as I sat there before her. With my submission seemingly assured she demanded that I strip naked, saying that I should feel what it is like to be viewed as a piece of meat, a sexual object, just as I liked to view women on the net. This was patently a ridiculous suggestion and there was no way I would acquiesce. But I seemed to have problems actually telling Marcia my objections and as she drummed her fingers on the desk I realised that actually I was going to do it, and yes, my dick was hard again about it. My mind have given way now and I barely raised an argument as I stood up and peeled off my shirt and tie, then my black trousers and shoes until I stood before her in just my boxer shorts, and to my consternation I was obviously sporting an erection below the silk..
"Get them off too worm, I want to see the pathetic specimen that has been getting excited every time it's in my presence."
Trembling hopelessly I lowered my underwear under her steely gaze and stood before her stark naked and with a five inch long piece of man meat pointing up at her. She could barely conceal her contempt for me and was not slow in mocking my size.
"My god that must be the smallest cock I've ever seen! What is it, three inches? If that. No wonder you turn to porn. What a small waste of skin. Anyway, get on your knees, if you want to keep your job get down here and kiss my shoes, grovel to me. Beg me to let you keep your job!"
I sunk to my knees on the soft carpet, glad that my cock would be spared her withering gaze and words and instinctively bent forward and brushed my lips on the front of her black, leather shoes. I had never done anything like this before, never felt like this but this woman just seemed to have a mental hold over me that I couldn't fight or understand.
"Harder you worthless prick, kiss them, worship me! Show me your worth that at least!"
Hoping to satisfy her demands I increased the force of my kisses to her feet and as she demanded it I smoothly moved into licking them, before finishing by obeying her and licking the very soles and heels of her work shoes. She took great pleasure in voicing out loud what she may have stood in at lunchtime or in the yard. I felt so low and useless and pathetic but still mysteriously turned on, which Marcia brought to my attention as she stood back to mock me further.
"God I knew what a weak willed little tosser you were from the first moment I set eyes on you. You might act arrogant and try and impress those young girls out there but I knew exactly what you were. I love dominating pricks like you, showing you what a wimp you are. What are you? Tell me!"
I looked up to give her the answer she was looking for but never got it out because had kicked me squarely in my balls as I knelt there before her. I desperately tried not to make too large a graon as the pain shot through my body, aware that someone could be still in the building and I was stark naked in Marcia's office, and Marcia was obviously very respected around here so whatever she claimed would be believed. Winded and pained I slumped to my side, vainly reaching my hands over my injured crotch too late as tears formed in my eyes. Marcia laughed at me and moved to her filing cabinet and pulled out a bag and threw it on my prone form.
"Come on wimp, get up and get out of here. In that bag you'll find a pair of frilly panties and stockings. To keep me silent you are going to have to please me slave. To please me you need to shave both your legs and your crotch completely smooth and wear both of those items to work tomorrow. And you'd better do it, or you'll regret it!"
I knew I would obey her and struggled back to my knees as she tidied her desk in preparation for leaving for the night.
"Come on get dressed, you're my bitch now and you'd better not forget it! What are you?"
Somehow I managed to moan pathetically as I staggered back to my feet and reached for the pile of my discarded clothes.
"I'm your bitch, Mistress."
She snorted contemptuously.
It had been a strange day.
It was a pretty strange evening as well. When I finally reached home I must have wandered around in a daze for a couple of hours. I couldn't tell you what I did or when or where, all I remember is getting into a hot bath around ten that night and sitting in it contemplating what to do. Away from Marcia (or Mistress!) I could see just how stupid I had been, not only in going to the websites but in bowing to the blackmail but, and it was a big but, I had started this now and could not see any way in which to halt it. Plus in the dark recesses of my mind there was a voice telling me that I didn't want to stop it, that I had enjoyed yesterday and that I craved more. I had enjoyed my own denouement at this harridan's hands (and feet!).
I couldn't get what had happened and my reaction to it out of my mind and before I knew it the water was turning tepid around me. Grasping my shaving razor I made the decision that I guess, deep down, I always was going to make. I gently ran it across the bushy area on my crotch and watched as the hair fell away.
In a lot of ways it was both a humbling and a liberating experience for me, shaving myself that night. I almost instantly felt like a changed person as the dark curly hairs fell from me, my mind stopped having the doubts of before and I began relishing the position that I was in. It took a long time to remove the bulk of my hair from my groin and legs, I kept having to top up the warm water but finally I emerged clean shaven down below from my bath. I applied moisturiser, looked down at my suddenly very pink looking soft skin and headed off to bed to dream of submission.
Waking the next morning I was struck by an immense feeling of anticipation for the day to come. But after a shower and towel dry as I looked at the bright pink panties and stockings laid out on top of my bed a sense of reality and dread came over me. But second thoughts or not, I still pulled the knickers on and up around my newly shorn and sensitive crotch. Why? Well because I wanted to keep my job, because it was actually a real thrill to me feeling the lacy frills on my cock, but mainly because Marcia had told me to and I felt compelled to obey her. The pink stockings followed and once I had pulled them up and snapped them into place I stood before my full length mirror to see how I looked.
For the rest I wore my usual trousers, socks, shirt and tie. Looking at me no one would know the difference between today and any other work day, nobody except me and Marcia, and that sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.
I don't know what I expected when I got to work but the day turned out to be depressingly predictable in terms of what I did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and Marcia seemed to studiously avoid me as I went about my work. I didn't see or hear from her all day. For myself I did get a thrill wandering through the office and speaking to my colleagues and customers while wearing such feminine underwear. That said I sometimes found it hard to concentrate fully knowing that if anyone were to discover it I would be labelled a pervert and made into a laughing stock. I found my visits to the restroom to be particularly dangerous and thrilling, Ok I used the cubicle twice that moring but in the afternoon with the cubicle in use I had to pee into the urinal and was more than aware of the flash of bright pink that showed from my open zipper as I urinated . But by a quarter to five with no communication from Marcia, I was starting to wonder whether this had been a set-up or a test for me and she was going to make me wait for her inspection. Then the phone rang and Marcia's name came up on the caller display screen. My heart jumped and I took a second to compose myself before answering. I didn't even get the chance to open my mouth.
"My office at Five o'clock sharp, Bitch! You had better not be late!"
The call ended abruptly with her slamming the receiver down and as I looked at the clock above me on the wall I wondered just what would await me.
I headed to the office early and knocked at the door. She made me wait a full minute before answering, leaving me standing nervously in the corridor as various members of staff passed, never guessing what I was waiting there for. When she finally admitted me she told me to close the door but not to lock it. This immediately worried me but I could hardly show that and did as bade and stood in front of her desk. My newly acquired Mistress sat with her glasses on and paid me zero attention, she was busy sorting some papers out on her desk and acting as if I wasn't even there, I guess to show exactly how important I was in her grand scheme of things. I wanted to say something but kept my mouth shut and waited, hearing voices and movements in the corridor outside. She finally finished whatever she was doing and set the papers to one side, pulled her glasses down her nose sternly, fixed a disapproving stare to her face and scrutinised me from her chair.
"Well Bitch, have you done as I told you? You'd better have."
I couldn't meet her eyes and managed to mumble a reply direct to the carpet which I was sure she would pounce on, but no, she just seemed to ignore the fact I had even responded. She leaned back in her chair, crossed all the fingers on her hands and spoke again in the same haughty tone.
"Come on then wimp, show me, I don't have all day, get on with it!"
As she spoke this last word a loud burst of laughter came from the corridor and I worried that she had set me up and someone would come in, I looked again pleadingly at the door, it's lock not engaged. She just tapped her pen impatiently on the hard surface of her desk; the door was not going to be locked apparently. Oh well, so I plunged on regardless.
I shed my outer garments and within seconds I stood before her clad in only my bright pink panties and stockings. I realise how ridiculous I must look but I was also hard from the perverse thrill my attire was causing me. Marcia, meanwhile studied me and seemed pleased that I had obeyed her so well, my smooth legs a stark contrast to their hairiness only yesterday afternoon.
"Well done Bitch now I want you to put both hands on your hips in a nice camp pose while I take a picture for posterity. I made to complain about this but she shot me a look that would have turned milk sour and suddenly all the little defiance I had mustered died and I posed as she ordered. She smiled and took out a camera and took a slew of pictures of me that I knew could really come back to haunt me at a later date. Still it was a kinky thrill.
"Enjoying this are you Bitch? Enjoy the fact that anyone could pop in to see me before the go and find you like that? Discover you for the worthless piece of shit you are? You are? Well you're only going to like what happens next even more."
With that warning she stood up and walked around to stand before me and deliberately undid her knee length black skirt and let it drop to the ground. I watched in puzzlement as she undid some tape from her inner thigh and then in growing horror as a long, thick, black phallic object sprung up and bobbed before her. Only then did I notice the harness around her crotch, black to match her panties and I nervously gulped as I gazed at the ten inch long strap on dildo that protruded from her.
"Bend over my desk Bitch and reach back and pull those nice pink panties to one side, I want to get an unobstructed entry."
Panicking I looked into her eyes to see that she meant every word and as if fate wanted to worry me more I heard another burst of talking from the corridor just yards from us. But in my panic my natural instincts took over I guess and so I found myself lowering my firm, athletic body face first onto her wooden desk and reach back with my hands to move the gusset of my panties and brace myself in preparation of this new humiliation.
She moved behind me, her heels giving her the perfect trajectory to ass fuck me and I closed my eyes as I felt the plastic tip of her cock touch the soft, shaved skin of my ass.
"Now I bet you've never done this before Bitch, have you? Do you want me to use lube?"
"Yes please Mistress."
I almost wet myself in agreeing to this sentiment.
"Well OK, but you're going to have to beg for it Bitch. Come on beg!"
"Please use lube Mistress Marcia. Please!"
"Come on louder, I can barely hear you, maybe you don't really want it and want me to fuck you nice and dry, eh?"
A quandary for sure because it was five o'clock and every office employee would very soon (if not now) be poring along that corridor and have every chance of hearing my desperate plea. But still considering the alternative.........
"Please use lube to fuck me Mistress!"
"Good. I will, but next time you may not be so fortunate."
She reached for a insignificant unmarked bottle on her desk and I felt her squeeze it onto my ass, never before so glad to feel something wet at my backside. She rubbed it in deeply in my crack with her fingers and coated her dildo before having me lick her fingers clean. It was the least I could do. I turned back arounfd and gripped the far side of her desk like I had never gripped anything before.
With no more ceremony I felt Marcia's pelvis push forward and the slippery plastic enter my tight anus and drive deeper and deeper, filling my previously unfilled hole. I could have let out a shout of pain and pleasure as the thick plastic pressed on my prostate and excited and packed my ass but I somehow contained myself to a low grunt and bit my lower lip to keep my silence, all the time aware of a flurry of footsteps passing down the corridor. Marcia seemed to be enjoying herself though and reached forward and grabbed my medium length dark hair and pulled my head back while thrusting in further with her fake cock.
I took it. I took it all, or at least as much as she had chosen to give me. But then she started to pump her dildo in and out of me and I had to find further reserves of tolerance as I experienced this new treat. She was surprisingly strong and powerful and my body quickly realised that it had to work hard to match the punishing effort Marcia was hammering me with all the time feeling that was like the worst constipation you had ever felt.
After a few moments Marcia released one hand from my hair and reached around my waist and felt in front of my panties for my hard dick and began to roughly jerk me off. This was the most intense feeling I had ever experienced and didn't know whether to be in raptures of exhilaration or the throes of humiliation.
I guess in keeping with my newly found slave status I embarrassed myself by cumming almost instantly and as my dick was poking out of the side of my panties the cum I spurted dropped onto the thick carpet beside us. This seemed to inspire her to smack into me harder and harder, hammering the front of my thighs into the edge of the desk and driving the air from my trapped chest. She had complete physical control over me and was treating me like a doll to be abused as she saw fit. Finally, after a good tem minutes of this treatment and with me panting over the desk, unable to do anything but lie there and take it. When she pulled out there was an audible pop and I felt such a rush of relief in my ass and collapsed further on the desktop.
I did not get much chance to recover. Marcia took a tight grip of my hair and jerked me roughly around onto my knees before her.
"Lick it clean Bitch!"
And as covered as the plastic length was with lube and whatever had been in my ass , I am ashamed to admit that my only thought was to obey my Mistress. I blocked out whatever the taste was and concentrated on cleaning it as well as I could to please her. When I had licked it clean she forced my head down towards the spilt cum on the carpet and drove my face into it, demanding that I "lick it up Bitch."
What was one more humiliation? So I did it like a good little lapdog sucking my own sperm from the carpet. Marcia was starting to lose interest in me now and dismissively ordered me up and to get dressed and to get out of here. I didn't even know if I was expected to wear my stockings and panties tomorrow.
I did though. I wore my panties and enjoyed the feel of them on my shaven parts and wondered what Marcia would do to me today.
But I got the shock of my life as I sat at my desk in the office and my pretty colleague Lee accosted me.
"Well Stewart, how did it go, did Marcia break you?"
I stammered a weak, unconvincing denial but I was fooling no-one, but before I could make a bigger fool of myself lee laughed and grabbed my hand.
"Don't worry, she does it to every new male employee to make sure they don't step out of line, if they do and harass a female they know that Marcia will bust their balls, literally! She's done that to every guy and has photo album in her office that she lets all the girls see of them in their panties, it's hilarious."
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
Sissy Husband Stories