She glared back at me, as if sizing me up, I could almost see her thinking "she's a bit overweight, big tits but a plump tummy and her ass is too big, she's curvy but not in my class". Then she spoke sharply "Hey you settle down! There's no reason to be bitchy it was an accident"
Her stare was making me increasingly angry, I could feel the blood rising to my face as I returned her gaze appraising her as well. "She's a year or two younger than I, and hey, better built; taller, no extra flesh except on those big breasts; they are huge; she fits into that white string bikini well, much better then I could; probably thinks she's a boy magnet, and darn it she probably is."
I tried to be polite and spoke softly. "Well hey I m not bitchy. I just asked you to be more careful." She glared at me, a sneer flashing across her face. I started to lose my temper and raised my voice "Why are you glaring at me like its my fault? It was yours - you weren't looking where you were going" I couldn't help adding a mutter under my breath 'stupid rude slut.'
"I heard that. I heard what you said. You called me a slut. You damn fat whore!"
"Don't call me names" I spat. I could tell that she was just spoiling for a fight with her hands on her hips and her eyes glaring at me. "Don't call me names" I repeated. I was loosing my temper fast. "First of all" I jabbed my finger in the air for emphasis, "it is your fault, it is you who walked into me, and second," jabbing at the air again "you called me a bitch nearly before I could say anything. You seem to have a problem."
"I did not! Just said you were bitchy but I'll say it now; you are a bitch! What's more you look like a whore or a drunk slut from some wet t-shirt competition. And lost in the first round. Look at your nipples poking out you getting hot for something are you bitch?"
I blushed and glanced down to see she was right and my breasts were making my t-shirt jiggle. She needs to be put in her place, I might even enjoy this 'Stuff you, wake up to yourself you stupid girl and get out of my way don't stand in front of me or I might just push you out of the way'. Furious now I stepped forward looking right in her face, confident she would back down.
She stood her ground till we were almost tit-to-tit glaring at each other. "Go ahead and try."
She's called my bluff I can't just ignore this. I glanced round; our argument had attracted attention there was a small crowd, mainly young guys. If I back off they'll think I'm a wimp. I pushed forward my hands on her shoulders "now please move out of my way."
"No way" She grabbed hold of my shoulders and pushed back.
I pushed her again, putting my whole body weight into it, glad at times like these of the extra pounds, forcing her back a couple of steps. I smiled.
The blonde growled, she looked pissed that I had forced her back. So she kneed me aiming for my groin. I dropped back a foot or so but her knee hit my thigh hard. "Who's smiling now?"
" Fuck you slut", I staggered back. Resolving to teach her a lesson, I closed on her, spat in her face and then slapped it repeatedly while pushing my body against hers.
"Ow" she cried, she seemed surprised that I was right in her face and that her oh so pretty face was getting slapped, I was sure she'd never had anyone stand up to her before. She wrapped her arms around me and reached down to seize my bikini bottom tugging it hard giving me a nasty wedgie.
She wants to buy time but she won't get far. "Damn you bitch' I renewed my push trying to get her off balance, to push her right down on the sand, putting my weight behind it, reaching behind her back digging my nails into her skin, raking it, feeling it split open. I smirked and spat in her face again just as she opened her mouth. I chuckled as a glob of spit landed on her tongue. I was enjoying myself now.
She screamed, pushed back at my chest and grabbed my tits through my thin wet shirt squeezing on them digging her finger into my flesh. "It will take more then that you squealing blonde," I sneered.
More determined yet, I pushed again hooking one leg behind hers and shoved my body at her with all my strength. She staggered back a pace or so. Her fingers dug in: fuck that hurt but I'm going to get this slut in front of me down and begging for mercy. I clawed at her back digging my nails in harder as she twisted my tits savagely ripping my shirt open. Pushing my head below her face I brought it up sharply against her chin, head butting her. " Wham bam that's right bitch you're sprawled on your back on the sand, just where a blonde belongs. You tore my shirt from top to bottom, bloody useless now. I'll get you for that".
My tits bounced freely as my ruined shirt hung open. Avoiding her attempts to kick out at my legs, I jumped in to straddle her, my knees on either side of her torso, slapping her face with my palms, watching her head being rocked back and forth.". "I'm going to smash you, you little whore."
She balled her fists and swung hard at my face, raining blows so hard and so fast she pushed me away. I rolled on the sand and got up hurriedly reaching my feet a second or so after the blonde who moved in quick, lashing with her fists at my face again. "I going to beat you back yet you fat bitch" she sneered as I staggered back from her upper cut.
I tasted my own blood dribbling from my stinging split lips. I circled her thinking "I'm heavier then she is, I was winning when I used my weight, I got to get in close to avoid those full powered extended punches of hers." I circled her again looking for the moment to rush in. The growing crowd stood back giving us room. Suddenly she charged at me, I sidestepped and grappled with her but not before copping another punch on my cheek making me cry out loudly.
I grabbed at her back. I wanted to crush the air out of her lungs with a bear hug. Instead somehow I tore the strap of her bikini top. I lost my temper altogether and jabbed my nails deep in her back. I felt the skin rupture and sniggered.
Her hands clawed at my ass ineffectively, ripping my bikini bottom. I remembered I was not trying to inflict pain but beat her and so focused on squeezing her, on crushing out the air. I hung on even though I knew my bikini bottom was sliding down. I knew it "She's desperate, I got it won, just hold on a bit more and she will give in."
She bit my neck and shoulders, her teeth clung then as she jerked her head came away with a piece of flesh. "Fuck! Oh arrh!" I yelled in pain, momentarily releasing my grasp a bit, just enough for her to force me back and step free.
Her bikini top and my bikini bottom slid to the sand as she stepped back. She swung a punch at my belly following it quickly with two more.
Each landed hard in my soft rather plump belly, doubling me up: "Oh shit! I can't take it, got to get back, a few more of those will do me. "
I staggered back and stood my ground breathing hard. I saw the blonde doing the same her big breasts heaving: she's turned, on look at her nipples jutting out. I rubbed mine finding they too were out proudly.
"Look at the udders on that big brunette, she had the fight almost won till the blonde bit her. She'll cream the blonde yet. God I d like to fuck her when she has"
"Nah, she's too fat, she's tiring, my moneys on the blonde. She's in better condition. She's one hot slut"
"Don't think so, but you're right about one thing they are both hot sluts.
"What about a gangbang when it's all over?"
"The brunette would, look at her, butt naked"
I glanced at the speakers, some young guys in the crowd and turned back to face my blonde rival. I rushed forward, seizing her right arm in both my hands and ran round in a circle forcing her to follow me, turning her. I ran faster, gasping for breath but determined to move on again.
Then I let her go. Unprepared for this the blonde staggered and almost fell to the ground.
I charged at her, throwing my arms round her thighs, slamming my body into her, tackling her. As we sprawled to the ground in a tangle I let go of her thighs. I landed a few punches, one of them hard enough to send blood splashing from her mouth before the blonde punched me a few times. She squirmed out from underneath me and got to her feet.
Damn, I thought I had her then. The bitch is much fitter then I am I gotta win soon or I am done. Getting up myself I feinted a punch to her left before hurling myself to her right, my fingers bent like claws.
The blonde pivoted on her left foot,sidestepping my charge and she kneed me agonisingly hard in the belly. Doubled over with the pain, my hands clutching my belly, I stumbled a few paces. She grabbed one of my legs and twisted it throwing me on my back to the sand. I just managed to ward off her follow up attack with my feet, rolled and stood.
Again we stood, each trying to catch our breath, each waiting for the other's move.
"Worn out are you? You ought to lose some weight", the blonde taunted me "when I've finished you off you can go to a gym"
Using the tactic that had worked before, I pushed forward but a little more slowly this time. I was tiring badly. I was starting to pant for breath. I felt the sweat roll off me.
I grabbed her arm and swung her around, then charged. She met my charge with her shoulder. We both crashed to the sand in a heap.
I pushed my way to the top straddling her and once more I slapped and punched her round the face, every so often yanking her hair. "You slut you're done for! Now you gonna give in?"
I reached trying to seize her arms but she kept them out of my grasp. My tits and belly heaved as I gasped for air
"Go on bitch! You're done for! Give in now'
"Ohhhh " the blonde slut whined "Uh OW!" I knew from her face she heard me. "No way bitch are you going to win" she spat at me. She swung her fist hard in my face, so hard it knocked me off balance and I almost lost my place on top of her. Blood spurted from my nose again. Pressing her advantage she swung at me time and again till I staggered and slipped off her, crashing to the sand.
"Fuck I'm tired, I don't know how much longer I can fight her". Slowly I rolled away and began to rise. She was faster she might have wavered but she was on her feet and before I got to mine she raised her knee under my chin.
The blow sent me sprawling on the sand. I groaned. I tried to get up but the blonde stomped on my belly, pumping some air from my lungs. I shrieked. She straddled me. I clawed at her tits.
She roared and hissed then tore at my own tits "Ok slut" she bounced her ass up and down on my belly, each bounce squeezing more air out of my lungs.
"Arrgh fuck you" I panted. My eyes watered, I felt tears roll down my cheek "fuck you, you are not going to win" I gasped and grunted for breath as she kept bouncing on my belly her hands working my tits. I let go of hers and tried to push her hands away. She smiled as my effort failed.
I slashed out desperately with a punch to her face as I heard a male voice egging the bitch on top of me on "the fat whore started this go on blonde finish the whore off" She rained down punches on my face while still bouncing on my belly.
I swung another punch but it went wild, I choked and coughed up blood from my swollen mouth and nose. "Fuck you bitch fuck you arrgh arrgh fuck" I bucked my legs pushing into the sand trying to push her off. I gasped for air. My legs flailed in the sand unable to get enough purchase. She bounced on me again. She swung more punches on me. "No no no ok no more I cant take it stop it please oh no more please". Tears ran down my cheek at the shame and humiliation.
The blonde twisted my tits, pulled me up by my shoulders, slammed me into the sand and took a final bounce on my belly "Sorry slut. You just don't have what it takes" She stood up. The crowd cheered.
I lay there whimpering as I realised I had lost big time, I was naked, battered, and surrounded by this crowd of men. I wondered what would happen next.
I don't know how long I lay there, not long I suppose but an eternity as the blonde bitch did some sort of triumphant dance and jeered at me. I just lay still, too scared to move: what would she do to me if I did move?
Then my body trembled as she spoke "Part your legs slut, show just how much of a whore you are to all these people here." She turned again to the crowd "You might remember when the slut was stupid enough to think she had a chance to beat me, some other people thought the same, that there was a lull in the fight and some guy said something like he would like to fuck the big brunette. And someone else said that she'd be in a gangbang. Well this dumb slut took her eyes off the fight for a moment and glanced at him. I saw a light in her eyes. Tell them slut tell them you were turned on by that, that you would like a gangbang. Oh, I know you were thinking of a victory fuck but it didn't come off, did it. Your cunt's wet, isn't it you stupid bitch?" she paused and then stomped n my belly.
I bellowed with pain.
"Part your legs and answer me slut, tell them your pussy's wet."
I spread my legs wide. "Yes it is" I answered for I could feel it trickling juice.
"Smile slut," my tormenter spoke again and I looked up, "Smile for the camera and don't move a muscle." She took several pictures with a digital camera, close ups of my face, of my mauled tits and even one of what I was sure would be my wet bush, midrange pictures showing my body stretched out on the sand and a distance one of the beach, some sort of location shot. "Here you" she spoke to someone in the crowd "when I say now I want you to take a picture. Make sure you get both the whore and me in the pic. I want everyone to know who she is" She stomped on my belly again. "Now" she said as I shrieked in pain again. "This will be on the web tonight, whore" she cackled.
"I want four guys to help me" she addressed the crowd again and selected her volunteers. "Each of you grab an arm or a leg and lift her up" Eager hands grabbed me and I felt myself hoisted up off the sand. "Throw her in the surf. Pick her up again and throw her back in a few times. She needs cleaning up; she is so filthy with sand and dried blood and muck on her".
Laughing, the men did so hoisting me high when they got to the water and I was dumped in the surf when they were standing about chest high in it. The salt water stung each of my cuts and gashes. I kicked and thrashed around in the water for a moment or two. Their hands grabbed me again and hurled me back in twice more before the blonde spoke again "right lift her up carry her up to the tables near the car park and lie her there with her fat butt in the air. Carry her face down. I want everyone to see that fat gut and those big tits flopping."
Oh no what is she going to do next, "no please no more" I whimpered.
"Take it slut" she hissed grabbing my hair, pulling my head up 'look around. You look at all these people. This is a day you won't forget ever!"
It took a few minutes for them to carry me there and I guess there must have been 200 people who saw me, naked, my body spread-eagled as they carried me.
We got there at last, oh its over, she cant do much more now, how wrong I was. "Ouch" I screamed as the blonde spanked me with a sneaker.
"Count and say thank you each time slut or you'll be worse off then you are now"
"One, thank you, ouch, two thank you, oh shit ouch three thank you" Oh shit this cant be happening, I am getting wet, this is turning me on "Oh, ah oh hell no it hurts so, four thank you". I'm queen bitch, always have been since school, used to get my jollies from punishing pretty little blonde pieces like this one and now I'm leaking like a tap "five fuck it, thank you" she's laying into me and I am so hot, so bloody needy 'six thank you". It hurts so, stuff I'm crying. The torture went on and on till the fifteenth slap.
She spoke again "so the fat whore is blubbering, just a couple more things before I go, stand up and walk" I hurried to do so. She grabbed my ear and marched me over to one of those big scales -the kind you put a quarter in and weigh yourself.
"Stand on it bitch" she dropped a coin in "tell them how much you weigh"
"151 lbs."
"Get off you tub of lard' she stood on and dropped another coin in "tell them how much I weigh"
"110 lbs."
She stepped right up to my face, I flinched stepped back "You and you" she said "hold her still, kick her legs apart" Two men seized me holding me by my shoulders, each had one leg hooked round one of mine. She shoved a finger in my pussy.
I couldn't help moaning. She smiled. She slid a second in and her thumb rubbed my clit. I moaned louder: this is a nightmare, she's gonna make me cum here and now in front of all these guys. She slid a third in. My head lolled back I moaned so loudly I was sure I'd be heard in the next county. Her fingers sawed back and forth till I was on the verge of orgasm. She stopped and turned to the men. "The slut's all wet and wanton, she'd do anything for a fuck now" Damnit bitch you know that. She spoke again "Its up to you guys if you have $300 between you you're willing to give me for the pleasure of gangbanging this slut then she's all yours. Otherwise ...well you can go stuff your cunt yourself bitch" I looked around dumbfounded: the bitch is serious, she's going to whore me out, oh fuck that just makes me even hornier. She started collecting money and counting. "Thank you gentlemen, I'm sure you'll get your moneys worth. Bye now." She stepped close to me "So long Bitch"
I looked round helplessly at a wolf pack of guys, there must have been a dozen there.
As one of them stepped forward towards me the two holding me, pulled me so my back was pressed against their bodies. I felt their hard cocks against my ass.
The man in front bent and licked my left tit; I would have collapsed to the ground but for the men holding me. I moaned, I just couldn't stop myself. Another guy came up and licked my right tit then sucked on it: stuff I thought that would hurt but oh, oh all I want is a fuck they could fuck me right here and now next to the car park with all these people around. One of the men in front stroked my pussy, my body shook, I moaned again and then I slipped my hands down the shorts of the men in front and stroked each of their members.
Someone said 'not here lets take the bitch to the sandhills'. The men in front each grabbed one of my ankles and I was hoisted up and carried maybe half a mile. I had been to these sandhills often, it was just the place for a quiet fuck, so long as there weren't too many others with the same idea. But I'd never been here like this. The men laid me down on this lump of sand so my head hung over the side.
Some guy- and from how my head was hanging I had no idea who it was - pushed my legs apart and began fingering my pussy, just outside my lips, his finger just gently running up and down and said "wait on guys, watch this"
This is torture, oh hell, I want a fuck. I spread my legs more and more and I pushed my hips up toward his fingers trying to get him to slide them in. But he didn't. Instead, he slid them lower, lower until he ran the tip of one of his wet fingers over my asshole.
He so very gently stoked it, just a second or two before running his fingers back and with just the tip of one finger, parted my lips. Moving up and down, making my lips quiver, he slowly spread my juices.
By this point, I was beside myself squirming twisting and moaning, begging for a fuck. Someone knelt near me and began to lick my nipple. I reached d and found his cock and began stroking it hard. Someone came to lick the other nipple and again I found his cock to stroke.
"Look at her" my tormenter said. "Ever seen such a whore? The fat bitch can't wait for a gang bang!" I flushed but it was true. So true I couldn't stop myself. I kept on bucking, trying to get a finger inside me and then it happened he did. I bucked and twisted more trying to get him to finger fuck me but the finger disappeared altogether for a moment. I groaned in frustration. So close and then nothing! Then I felt a hard shaft outside my pussy and bucked up and down impatient to have it in me." Thank oh thanks he s doing it! He is finally fucking me." But then I howled as he slammed his shaft in hard, fast, savagely.
"Shut up slut."
A fourth man now came up kneeling near my face and I opened my mouth wide for him. It hurt sucking a cock because my lips were so bloody sore but he was gentle and just let me lick his head not trying to force it in. It was only a few moments before one of the cocks I held spurted cum on my tummy and I let go as he pulled back. He was almost immediately replaced by a third guy stroking my nipples and I pumped him too. The guy I was sucking must have been primed because within a minute he pulled back and he too spurted cum, this time all over my hair. About the same time the second man at my nipple erupted spraying his jism all over my shoulders.
Another guy came up to my mouth. He wasn't nearly so gentle. I wasn't ready; I was trying to catch my breath. He pinched my nose till I had to open my mouth then he forced his way inside, my broken lips stung from the way he fucked my mouth.
"Oh shit I'm being fucked senseless by this gang and they paid the blonde to do me." I couldn't help myself; my body was bucking furiously.
From what seemed a long way off I heard some guy call out "don't come in the slut, come on her! Paint her with cum! Show the world what a filthy whore she is.
"I trembled even more at that knowing that already my body would be beaded with the pale yellow semen of half a dozen men and realising that there would be a lot more. AS if to prove the point the man in my pussy pulled out and shot his sperm over my thighs just as the man I was stroking came over my tits followed a few seconds later by the guy in my mouth who gave me a facial.
I wailed – no one was touching me- I needed to cum so badly I couldn't help myself I began fingering myself. It didn't take long though.
Again from what seemed miles away I heard a different guy say excitedly "This skank is so turned on. Look at her work that snatch."
Someone else replied "God, look at that whore, she loves this. If only I had a video, what a porn clip this would make!"
My body shook as I came. I returned to earth with someone pushing at me and slapping the side of my butt.
"Roll over bitch I want to do you doggy style"
I groaned then shrieked in pain as the man yanked my hair hauling me back up on my knees before pushing me down on my hands as well.
"Shut your face whore " he said.
"Nah I'll shut it for you" laughed another man as he stepped forward shoving his member in my face. I knew what he wanted. What was the point of resisting I was going to suck him anyway in the end! So they double-teamed me. I was pushed back and forth by their thrusts. The man I was blowing played with my oh so sore and oh so sensitive nipples while the man behind stroked my engorged clit. I was moaning and bucking as they took me and shrieked again this time in ecstasy as the men pulled out almost together splashing yet more semen on me.
"I think the slut likes blow jobs. How about you give us all one?"
"All twelve of you?" I gulped thinking how sore my lips were already.
"Of course. After all we paid for you whore!" The speaker slapped my ass lightly and yanked my hair till I knelt upright.
I sighed and sucked and got another facial when the guy came.
And so it went on till every man had cum on me - some I am sure twice. Some drifted away as they finished. Others stayed looking on and jeering until the last man ended. By that time there were about four men still around. I was coated in sticky cum, sore from the fight and from the guys. My pussy and mouth ached, my tits flamed.
One of the four bent down. "So long slut! You were a good fuck! I've had better though!"
Another said, "This wasn't your first gangbang was it? You put out so well. No, you've been done before! And I'm sure you will be again."
They laughed and the four walked off. I was still panting. I had never cum so hard and so much before. . As I lay on the sand, cum drying everywhere on my body, it slowly dawned on me – 'I was naked and covered in cum. And my clothes were a half mile away! Oh fuck! How am I going to get there without being seen' My heart pounding, I rolled over and scanned the beach. People.
In the end I just waited till dusk and got back when there were few people around and it was gloomy so the few there didn't see me.
The bitch was right. This was a day I would never forget. But my god if I ever saw her I was going to destroy her.
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