Katie strolled down the cracked sidewalk, dodging the newly formed puddles. The faint, yellow light of the street lamps safely guided her back to the two floor studio loft. Looking back with nostalgia one last time, Katie walked up her porch steps, opened the heavy oak door, and reluctantly entered her empty home.
As she closed the door, Katie saw the flashing red light of her answering machine.
"Hey Katie. It's Shannon. I won't be home tonight. I'm going out with Shawn. Don't wait up sweetie. I'm not sure when I'll be home."
Katie took a look around the living room and saw the mess left behind. "Shannon, you have got to be the worst roommate ever," she thought. "Nah, I guess your just your normal Shannony self."
Katie snatched up a trash bag lying on the kitchen counter and began to clean her friend's mess. She was tossing empty pop cans into the bag when she saw her high school year book lying on the end table.
She dropped the bag of trash and slowly opened the cover reading the signatures and sayings from her former friends.
"Hey Katie, good luck with college. I hope we can keep in touch and still be friends. I had a blast this year. Thanks for all the good times." ~ Jen.
"Kat. Stay cool. Don't let that dork Alex bring you down. J/K. Seriously, you two look so happy together I hope everything works out. At least you'll be going to the same school, so that's cool. You know where I'll be if you ever need a friend, or someone to talk to. I still care for you honey, even if we're no longer together." ~Rick
"Katie, my love. You've made these past few years the best ones of my life. I can't wait until the summer passes so we can finally be married. It's all I've been talking about at home. Mom is excited. You know she really does love you. You'll always have a family with us. Remember that. You mean more to me than mere words could ever describe. The thought that brings me the most happiness is knowing that I'll get to take care of you the rest of your life. For the rest of my life. Only a few short months. Then we get to be married. I can't wait. Especially for our wedding night. Just think about it. Romantic candles. Soft music. Most importantly. Us. Alone. I can't wait...to see you naked. He he he. I love you. I always will. You mean the world to me. Someday I'll give it all back to you. I'll give you the world. I better stop now. I seem to be taking up most of this page. You don't want to read me blathering on and on anyway. You know, on and on, not really saying anything. Just taking up space so no one else can write. You know those people. I hate those people. Just keep going and going and...Ow! I better stop since you just hit me..." ~ Alex
Katie had to put the book down. Reading what Alex wrote always made her depressed. She dragged herself over to her beige, plump couch and plopped down. Instinctually she turned on the television, but didn't pay attention to the flashing images or the piercing sound as her mind drifted.
She began to softly hum a romantic song that was played during the senior prom. A smile formed slowly on Katie's face as she recalled the way Alex slid his hands around her hips and drew her in close to dance. She giggled as she thought of how terrible he was at dancing but did it anyway because she enjoyed it.
Katie couldn't believe that Alex proposed to her during prom. As she sat on the couch her cheeks blushed deep red when she remembered him bending down to one knee.
Ron Popeil began to pull her back to the living room. As she watched the same infomercial that always aired at this time of day, she began to notice her body becoming needing.
She thought to herself, "Damn you Alex. You always know how to get me going. Now you're not even here to take care of my needs. Well, I'll just have to take care of myself...again. At least I can always imagine the wedding night that I never got. I think I'll take my time tonight. Shannon's gone. The place is quite. I'll have a little bit of fun."
With that thought she smiled and began to let her mind slip further away from reality as the picture of her wedding night came into focus.
Katie was being gently placed on the floor, just beyond the threshold of her new apartment, by her new husband. She lifted her hand to brush his beaming cheek. She couldn't wait to give him the best wedding present she could think of, herself. Staring into his soulful blue eyes, she grazed her finger tips down the side of his firm cheekbones and danced them across his full lips. Gliding down the corner of his mouth to the base of his chin, she wrapped back up the nape of his neck and held the base of his head as she pulled his lips to hers.
His breathing became short and shallow as his excitement and anticipation grew. As his lips brushed intolerably close, Katie pulled away and used her hands to loosen his tie and tuxedo buttons around his neck. Her teasing became a torment as Alex grew in want and desire. She eased off his tie and tossed it down on the couch. After unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, she pulled him into her quick and hard. Her lips thrust at his and parted them without delay. Her tongue found a home safely in his mouth. Playing and toying with his, Katie's tongue explored all the new sensations that he provided.
His soft whimpers filled her with delight and joy. She always wanted to reduce him to putty in her hands. For so long his broad, strong arms cared for her and nurtured her. This was her gift of repayment. She wanted to please him in every sense. She wanted to be a good wife.
Her gasps quickened and became more labored in the confining dress. She pressed her arms against his shoulders and pried herself away from him. She was enjoying every delicious taste, but wanted to savor each moment. She glanced into his eyes once more and saw a fire building. He lusted after her. She could see it. She wanted it.
He lunged for her and wanted to drink deep from her kisses again, but she stepped back and held him firmly by the hands. She looked sternly at him, trying to calm him down. He was moving too fast for her.
"Not just yet my love," she said to him.
She paused to capture his every movement. His lips moistened slightly. His arms balked at the confinements of his tight tux. Beneath the clasped buttons she could see his well defined chest begging to be set free. Her eyes ventured lower to observe every little detail of her new husband. She wanted to keep this picture in her mind forever. As her looks wandered lower, she saw his growing bulge. She giggled to herself inside. She had never seen him naked before and was still a little shy.
She wormed slowly into his body. Her soft breasts pressed firmly into his chest and rubbed his tight arms under his shirt. She inhaled his scent and let out a slight sigh of content. Committing this moment to her memory forever, she snuggled firmly into him.
After the moment passed she slid from under his grasp and began to unbutton his shirt. Teasing him more she unfastened the top three clasps and then stopped. A delectable torture he endured. She had no notion that he may have taken her forcefully and decidedly at any moment if he so desired. After being with her for years and never experiencing her fully, Alex was overcome with passion that he held back to enjoy this night. She was four inches shorter than him and weighed considerably less. His athletic build had always been a reason for jealously amongst the other boys in school. Now that he had grown up some, his tone was one that would rival any pro athlete. Katie took the most pleasure in running her hands through his soft, brown hair that fell just shoulder length.
He wrapped his arms around her tight and squeezed hard with a firm hug that nearly took the wind out of Katie. She always felt safe and secure in his grip.
When he placed her back down on the ground, her lips puckered softly against his, parting them both slightly. As the moist air passed between the new opening, soft heat built around them. When her mouth began to shy slowly away, his lips stiffened and sucked her back to him. Biting gently to keep her in place, his tongue parted and penetrated her luscious lips. The corners of her mouth began to drip slightly as she exhaled with passionate submissiveness. Struggling no longer she allowed him to command her quivering lips any way he desired.
Her knees began to quake and she fell into his loving embrace. After the sudden haze lifted from her, she pulled his lips away from hers. She couldn't stand another jolt shooting through her body like that again, not yet anyway.
She paused to regain her composure and put her hands back to their intended purpose, undressing him.
Alex brushed her flowing red hair with his hands as she undressed his shirt. Each time she moved to a lower button, he took the opportunity to peer drown into her bosom. He wanted badly to remove the garb covering her sleek, slender body.
Katie undid the last button of his shirt and stopped above his pants. Her head was lowered to the point where she could have unzipped him with her teeth. Kneeling down, she looked up at him and saw a grin wider than she had ever seen before. She leaned in slightly so she could kiss his thick cock through his pants. He moaned and chuckled as she encouraged his want.
She slowly raised herself from the floor, allowing her ample breasts to rub firmly against his covered cock. She pushed his shirt off of the shoulders and rubbed his chest greedily with her hands. He began to form beads of sweat. She stooped to lick his sweet skin. She pressed her lips against his breastbone and kissed. She lapped at him coyly and moved over to his erect nipples. She flicked her tongue across the firm tip of his pink nipple and glided her hand across his chest as she sucked. She used the tips of her fingers to squeeze and pinch his other stiff nipple. Alex leaned his head back and let out groans of approval. She lifted herself so that she could push him down onto the couch behind him. Making sure that he would be safe, she slammed him down onto the couch.
Katie laughed quietly as he landed with a thud, and before he could regain his composure, Katie inhaled his nipple once more. She licked and sucked with a wanton fervor. Alex was all hers now. She took of him eagerly.
Breathing harder and getting hotter, she kissed down the center of his chest. Stopping at his belly button, she let her tongue play while her hands unfastened the button and zipper of his pants. Once free from the tuxedo pants, Alex sat nearly naked on the edge of the couch.
Katie grabbed his pants from his ankles and threw them across the room. He sat now only in his boxers, and soon Katie freed him of those. She dropped the band of his underwear just enough to let his thick head poke out. Her mouth watered as she imagined the taste of him. She removed his shorts enough to expose the entire length and girth of him.
Her desires began to take over and she wanted to be fulfilled. She wanted to be filled. She gave herself to him freely. She dipped her lips down to the tip of his cock and slowly tasted him. She licked him like a lollipop. She wasn't sure what to do really, but his grunts and moans confirmed that she was doing something right. Her mouth opened and enveloped the top of him. Her tongue swirled around the head of his dick as her hands became familiar with his long shaft. Squeezing firmly with her hands, and lower gradually with her mouth, she acquainted herself with him.
Alex pawed his hands through her fashioned hair. Her mouth continued to take in more of his meaty dick as she worked her hands around his base. Katie could taste for the first time his pre-cum. She didn't know what it was and lapped at it curiously. In a moment she felt his cock in her stiffen. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she soon found out. He yelled out a primal moan as his cum filled her mouth. Shocked at first, Katie pulled up and away. After realizing what was going on, she licked the tip of his cock clean. She wanted to taste her new lover. Katie voraciously devoured the essence left behind by Alex.
The echoes of the television began to dissolve the haze around her. Drifting back to her empty loft, Katie was overwhelmed by her physical need.
On the couch in the middle of her living room, Katie ran her petite hands over her erect nipples. Rubbing them through her shirt, she unbuttoned her blouse and lifted it above her head. She cupped and held her breasts firmly as she fantasized about her wedding night. Lifting her bra, exposing her breasts, she fondled them and played with her stiff nipples. Katie stopped for a moment, and remembered that she had the television on. She picked up the remote and turned it off.
Walking down the hall topless, Katie entered her bedroom and settled down cozily onto her bed to enjoy her waking dream better. Katie could feel a small drip running down her creamy inner thigh. As her panties moistened she slid off her denim skirt and took off the rest of her clothing. Lying naked on the bed, she wriggled under her thick blankets and absorbed the heat she was generating.
She wrapped herself firmly in her scent soaked covers. After nightly abuse, her blankets had forever soaked her body's drops of passion. Katie's clit began to throb as it was being rubbed by the thick cotton. She spread her legs wide under the covers removing all boundaries to her waiting pussy. She let out a hungry moan as the cool sheets caressed her skin. When the fur from her fleece comforter probed in her lips, her eyes widened and she fell back in ecstasy. Bumps began to form on her skin and chills overcame her. As her hips motioned and rubbed against her blankets, her free hands began to cup and caress her voluptuous bosom.
Her nipples had long been hard, and now Katie gave them the attention that they demanded. She took the tips of her fingers and flicked lightly at her pink mounds. As waves of pleasure began to swell inside her, she began to place her hands at her most sensitive area. She slid them down her stomach and rested them just above her glistening lips. When her hips could no longer hold out, she let her hands open her slightly and find her pulsating clit. As she fingered and teased her luscious center, she began to focus again on Alex. Every action her hand made, she pictured his hands doing the same to her.
She closed her eyes momentarily. When she opened them she saw Alex. She remained in her bed, but the room was different. The white was faded and the warm glow of the lighted living room came back into focus.
Alex sat on the edge of the couch, spent and dripping. Katie stood up and used his nearby boxers to clean herself. With his physical need met, Alex was better able to tantalize Katie. She took great joy in knowing that she was the reason for the glow in his face. She did this selfless act to prove her love for him. She gave him a gift she would not give another man.
After Alex returned from his orgasmic bliss, he rose in front of her. He ran his hands over her covered breasts. He longed to free them, but layers of her wedding gown prohibited such an act. He wanted to tear her out of her dress and devour her, but he knew this night would only come once. He had the rest of his life to fuck his wife with a primal, animalistic lust. Tonight he would give back to her the happiness she gave him.
He held her hand and led her down the hall to the bedroom. She was nervous to be naked to him, vulnerable to him. Her body cried out to be free. It yearned to be filled, to be used. She wanted to submit herself to him. She trusted him fully and knew he would never harm her.
She could still smell his sweat and odor. She never imagined she could be so aroused by simply smelling him.
When they reached the bedroom, Katie fell on the bed. As she landed she rolled slightly onto her back raising her long skirt just enough for Alex to view her dampened panties. Her intoxicating scent began to spread through the room. When the delicious odor of Katie's excited pussy hit the flared nostrils of Alex, he breathed deep and lost all restraint.
He had waited so long to touch his virgin bride. He was hungry for her. Before Katie fully recovered, Alex was down on his knees in front of her. He lifted her legs high and rested her knees on his shoulders. He was also glad to be already naked. As her legs rested on him, he moved his hands down her slippery thighs and stopped at her pulsating pussy. He rubbed her lightly through the thin satin panties and teased her playfully. He enjoyed touching her every bit as much as he enjoyed being touched by her.
He tried to view her face and see her reaction, but the layers of white obscured her. He wanted to know if she was enjoying his touch or not. He didn't have to wait long. As he went back to his slow exploration, Katie said, "Damn it. Just fuck me." Alex was shocked. She had never been so vulgar before. He understood her desire though. He felt the same way when she teased his cock through his pants. Not quite fully recharged from his recent expenditure, Alex decided to stall before filling his beautiful bride. He needed to prepare her tight pussy for his thick dick. He didn't want to hurt her.
He slid her panties off, finally putting her legs down. He then made the journey up her full skirt. The prize was worth it as he took his first taste of her. As the moisture of his tongue dropped gently onto her wanting lips, Katie said, "Alex, honey, I can't breathe. Get me out of this dress! I've been in it all day."
Alex knew of Katie's discomfort. He could see the tight bodice pressing into her chest. He didn't want to suffocate her, but he didn't want her free just yet. He glanced up at the taught strings stretched crossed the front of her ornate bodice. He slid his slick form along side of her and gently tugged at the trapping strings. As the last one loosened and fell out of its eyelet, Katie's breasts relaxed and slouched every so subtly
Hearing her sigh of relief, he maneuvered his way back to his coveted position, between her thighs. He was once again in a blissful state. Even when she wasn't in control she still managed to tease him. Now Alex was in a position to return the favor.
He saw her shiny, dripping lips crying for attention. He grazed his fingers across her soft hair as he spread her growing moisture. Instinctually her hips bucked at his contact. Not able to control her actions, she raised her hips off of the bed to meet his exploring hand. Alex backed his hand away to prevent from entering her. He wanted to reserve that first penetration for his tongue.
At the top of the bed Katie began to moan. Little more than purrs at first, guttural sounds began to take shape and cries of passion began to escape. Her hands rubber vigorously along the designer patterns of her dress. She wanted to be free. She wanted out and filled. She waited patiently for Alex to stuff her, but she was quickly approaching the verge of taking.
Alex wanted the night to last. He wanted it to be perfect. Only once, that's how often this night comes along in a lifetime. He saw her want growing and her body beginning to please itself. He saw her thrust and touch in places he did not yet want touched. He decided to ease her tension, and increase his simultaneously.
Her hips lifted high once again and this time her creamy center was met with a stiff, hot tongue. Alex drank her in deep with his mouth and grabbed her flexing hips with both hands. He strongly pulled her deep into him and began to lap at her luscious lips. She stretched open for him with little effort as his tongue tried to find her clitoris. He lapped along her the inner portion of her silky lips as he continuously missed his target. Katie didn't know any better and thought what she felt at the moment was as good as life could get. Her world was with him entirely for that one brief moment.
That pleasure soothed her every being. It was all she could think about. That was until Alex finally found his mark. At the first flick of her horny clit, Katie fell back onto the bed. She yelled a moan so primal and animalistic that Alex bit in a kindred reply. The gentle nibbling drove through Katie and sent her spiraling out of control. Her body began to loose all senses except for the soft tickle that pounded her every fiber. Her breathing stopped as waves rushed through her. Her legs encompassed Alex's back and pulled him into her. She slammed him into her. Alex let his mouth suck her clit in as much as he could. Holding her in place every so softly with his teeth, he flicked his tongue rapidly against the soft mound.
She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled and tugged. She shoved his head deep into her. She didn't want him to stop. She didn't want this feeling to ever end. She began to fuck his face without knowledge. Every action was pure instinct. She moved the lips of her satin silk against his mouth. Up and down she went on him. He laid his tongue flat and wide trying his best to lick all of her. He stayed in place and let Katie's body take control, take him. He soon found that with each passing second his tongue lapped at her opening more. As the electric of her body reached its peak she held her legs high in the air, exposing her center completely to him. He licked and penetrated her wanting opening as fast as his muscles would allow.
With a final roaring moan she collapsed onto the bed. She began to breathe again and return to normal. Her whole body glowed as she coped with the existence of such feelings.
Satisfied that he could now take his time, Alex lifted Katie from the bed.
"My dear wife, come here." Alex said this as he took her hand. He pulled her in close to him and held her. He simply loved her for the moment.
When he was content he walked off of the bed mattress and placed Katie's back up against the closet door. The full length mirror attached to the door allowed Alex to view both the back and front of Katie at the same time. He looked into her eyes. He could see her love. He could also see her nervousness.
"I want to love you. I want to see you. For so long we only teased and simply gave each other orgasms. Tonight, your night, I want to love you."
Her final word trailed off without fully forming. Her expression said it all. Her face told him to take her.
Alex placed his hands on the front of her bodice once more. He pulled the loosened strings free from their eyelets. They floated to the floor.
Her breasts leaned achingly close to Alex as they positioned themselves more naturally. The many snaps on the back of the sleek bodice refused to set them free completely. Alex reached his hands above her shoulders and head. He wrapped his arms around the back of her neck and drew her into him once more. He gave her a slight peck on the lips and rubbed his nose against hers.
"Remember how I used to always give you these Eskimo kisses?" He asked romantically.
Katie smiled, comforted, and said, "Yeah."
Alex glided his hand down the center of her back and began to unfasten the snaps. For each one that he unsnapped, he kissed her quickly on the lips. Before he had the chance to finish Katie looked at him, not as a lover, not as a wife, but as a friend and said, "You're crazy." She smiled and laughed a little laugh.
He looked at her with nothing but care and said, "You're beautiful. And crazy for marrying me. Who's crazier? The crazy person or the one who follows them?"
She arched a single eyebrow and said, "Oh I think you know the answer to that one. If you want anything else to happen tonight you know the answer."
Alex took a full handful of Katie's plum ass and willingly defeated nodded.
"Yep," he said, "I'm crazy. I'm the craziest person alive."
She lowered her eyebrow and begat a sly smile. "Good," she said. "Oh, you may proceed now."
Alex had to keep his amusement inside. He didn't want to spoil this wonderful night.
After a second longer of rubbing Katie's round cheeks, he undid the remaining portion of Katie's bodice.
His hands began to retrace their path down her back, only this time in reverse. He began to pull the bodice off slowly, letting it come off the shoulder, when he saw the scars on Katie's back. He touched them without warning to her and she jumped. The small lacerations were hardly noticeable anymore, but to Alex they were clear as if they had been days old instead of years. He remembered the day she got them and cursed himself for not being able to prevent them.
She shied away from him. She tried to slink under his touch to hide. He held her soft, but firm. He looked at her lowered head and said, "Hey. Hey, look at me." Concern filled his voice.
She raised her deep brown eyes to meet his tearing ones.
"Katie, I am not him. I am not your father. You don't have to hide from me. You never did. I love you, more than anything else in this world. I'm your husband. Did you hear that? I'm yours."
She nodded shyly. "You know how hard this is for me."
"Yeah. I do. I really do."
He removed the bodice from her shoulders. He continued the growing pile on the floor below.
Katie placed her arms across her chest hiding her bare breasts.
Alex calmly grabbed her wrists and placed her right hand on his heart. He then placed his on hers.
"Katie, I will not leave you. I will not harm you. We are one by marriage now, let's become one by flesh, by love."
Katie looked up at him once more. Her body still yearned. It never ceased. She was fighting hard to let go of her fear, her past.
"Yes dear?"
"Take me. Take me as your bride, as your wife. I want to know you as a lover now."
Alex smiled pure joy hearing those words.
He raised her chin with his hands and met her lips with his. He gave Katie a passionate kiss that meant more than any fleeting moment of lustful want ever could. She knew in her heart that she could never give herself to a man she didn't love.
He looked at her ceramic skin for the first time. She was still covered below the waist, but that didn't matter to him now. He ran his fingers over her perky breasts. He bent over to taste them. She smelled of desire still. He knew she wasn't done by any means. He just needed to calm her down a bit.
Alex placed his opening mouth around her stiff nipple. He allowed his tongue to flicker on the end and circle slowly around the whole of her nipple. He cupped her bosom in his hands and squeezed tenderly. Katie had her hands on his broad shoulders and began to dig in deep. She was losing herself again, only this time in Alex. She made the choice to give herself to him and let go. She trusted him.
Alex planted little kisses over the exposed skin of her chest. He tasted her and licked teasingly the sensitive skin. He guided kisses down her breastbone and belly button, much like she did. He stopped momentarily to play with her exposed navel. She giggled from his ticklish touch. She asked him to stop and he grinned. After a couple of more laps, he continued his undertaking.
He stopped where the long skirt's waist began. He didn't spend any more time teasing and stalling. He was ready. He was ready to have his bride.
He grabbed two handfuls of the massive dress bottom and began to lower it to the ground. Katie helped him by wriggling free and pushing the rest of the dress down. Alex got distracted at the sight of her dancing breasts and Katie finished the job on her own.
Alex was stunned by the site in front of him. In the mirror he could see Katie's toned, round ass while inches from his mouth was her moistened, glistening pussy. Her sweet scent began to drive his senses wild.
He rose to his feet and grabbed Katie once more by the hand. He drew her in close and when her skin touched his, he picked her up and held her in his arms. With her in hand he fell to his knees on the bed. He then placed her gingerly on the comfort of the mattress.
Without words they communicated. Alex rubbed his hands along the back of Katie's legs and circled them around the back of her knees. He saw her eyes light up with a bright glow. He placed her knees on his strong shoulders once more. This time there was no skirt, no panties. This time there was only Katie and Alex.
Alex slid his waist and center down to meet hers. He braced his arms next to her sides and leaned in to kiss her. As his mouth moved in unison with hers once more, his recovered cock rested on her moist pussy.
He continued to kiss her and let his tongue play with hers. She could taste her juices on him. As their mouths played, he rubbed his cock along her inner lips. He moved up and down her slick center, and with each upstroke found her wanting clit.
Katie began to moan into his mouth. Her lips became less controlled and her head laid heavily on the pillow. She was giving up her bodily control once more to him. He watched as her eyes began to flicker under the closed lids. She was ready for him.
He took his wet cock and let it rest at her waiting entrance. He wanted badly to thrust in her, to pound her hard. He wanted desperately to release in a primal lusting. He knew she couldn't take it this first time.
Alex entered her lightly. Going slow and deliberate he guided himself into her warm and inviting essence. He looked warmly upon her face as he braced his weight with his arms. He watched her reaction with treasured delight. After what seemed like an eternity of crawling into her, he had found his home. His place in the world was with her, in her. As his entire being filled her, she opened her eyes wide and full. She was filed with her lover, her love. The thought of him in her spread more joy throughout her body than any physical act ever could. Her mind began to drift away into him. He was her reason for being. He was her reason for happiness. She tried to hold onto him. Her dream was ending. Her love was fading once more. Just like every night he entered her.
Alex was fading from Katie's vision as the cool air began to hit her lungs. The sheets were damp from her perspiration and she hadn't even realized that her fingers were deeply inserted into her wanting self. As the walls came back to view, she removed her fingers and licked them greedily.
Katie's urge had been purged, but she still wanted more. Her body demanded more. A simple orgasm with Alex was never enough. She had learned over the years just what her body liked the most. She reached into her nightstand drawer and pulled out her favorite vibrator.
She tossed the sweaty and drenched sheets to the side of her bed. Lifting herself out of the blankets, she spread her legs wide and inserted her toy.
As the long shaft entered her, the clit vibe wormed snuggly into its home. When she was sure everything was right were it needed to be, Katie turned on the lowest level of pulsating pleasure.
A grin on her face spread wide as the dull buzz filled her room. Feeling the electric tingle spread along her loins, she began to feel the orgasm already build. She knew tonight she would not last long. Alex was just too good.
She closed her eyes and allowed the waves of ecstasy to wash over her. She began to moan soft and low. As the jelly vibe worked its way in and out of her, the clit flicker stimulated her to higher peaks.
She tried desperately to hold onto an image of him as thunderous waves of pleasure crashed through her body. She wanted to reclaim his touch, his feel. She wanted to reclaim him. As she stroked the vibrator in and out of her, she thought of the times they spent together. The sweet smiles he flashed her, the stupid gifts he used to buy her just because.
She slammed the buzzing toy into her harder and harder as her pussy stretched and convulsed with pleasure. She longed to reclaim his love. As her orgasm filled her, she forced the vibrator out of her. It rested on the bed buzzing. She picked it up and turned it off. Still pulsating she threw it across the room. It slammed into the wall with a crash and shattered pieces showered onto the floor.
Tears cascaded down her face. She looked at herself and was sick to her stomach. "You sick whore," she thought to herself. "Look at yourself. You're a fucking mess. Dirty sleazebag. Why would he want you? Why would anyone ever want you? You're just a fucking tramp. Your dad was right. You'll never get love. Not real love anyone. Do you think he ever loved you? Just a dirty little cunt. That's all you are. You know that right? You'll never get his love back this way. This pleasure you give yourself. No matter how much you do it's never enough. That's right. Just keep doing more to yourself. What's next? Go fuck yourself again you dirty slut."
She pounded the wet mattress furious. She titled her head up towards the ceiling and screamed, "Damn it! Why?! Why did you leave me?"
Tears poured uncontrollably down her face. "You know what you did to me? You very well know you bastard! My soul feels empty. You stole that from me. You stole us from me. Why?!"
The sobs continued. She was having trouble breathing now and went to the bathroom to get some tissues.
She rested briefly on the cool porcelain lid of the toilet. She blew her nose into the paper and calmed her emotions. After a minute or so she rose and turned on some warm water to fill the counter sink. She washed her face and patted it dry. She looked in the mirror and saw a ghost of her usual image. She sniffed one last time and headed back out into the hall.
She was startled and jumped when she saw Shannon at the other end waiting for her. The leggy brunette looked at her shyly. She had only a concerned look across her face as she saw the despair in Katie's eyes.
"Katie dear...I got us some dinner. Why don't you put some clothes on and come eat. Your silky pajamas are clean. I just washed them."
At the dinner table a haunting silence hung in the air as the two young ladies ate Chinese takeout. When Shannon couldn't stand the white noise any longer, she broke the tension.
"Katie, are you okay? I mean really okay?"
"Yeah. I guess. I'm just a little down. That's all. I just miss him."
"I know you miss him, but it's been three years. You're in college now. You're working now. You have a life. Don't you think that maybe it's time to move on?"
"Shannon, he is my everything. How can I move on? He is my world. My reason for living."
"Are you even listening to yourself? Your words are empty. You're just reciting this idea you've forced into your head. You only think that way because you won't let yourself see how strong you really are. You can make it just fine on your own. I know you can."
"Katie, I'm your friend. I'm only trying to help. You keep closing up."
"You don't know me."
"Like Hell I don't know you. I love you like a sister. I only want to see you happy, but dammit Kaite, what you do every night...it just isn't healthy. You think I don't know? You think I don't hear? I'll tell you what I know, what I hear. When you're done with your little toy...when you're done with your perfect dream...you come back here, the real world. You come back and cry. I hear you cry yourself to sleep. You don't have to feel this way. You don't have to be stuck. This doesn't have to be your life Katie. You have to face reality. Alex is dead. I'm sorry sweetie, but you have to accept that."
"I can still fell him. I know he's out there somewhere."
"You only feel him because you want to. Don't you think he'd want you to be happy? Don't you think he'd want you to move on and live? All he ever wanted to do was love you and take care of you. You have to move on so you can love yourself...so you can take care of yourself."
"When he left part of me left. My love left. I can put on a happy face and smile, but I can't feel anymore. Why? Why can't I feel? I just want to be happy. Why can't I ever be happy?"
Tears were streaming down Katie's face. She fell to the floor and started bawling. She was trembling from the pain and the sorrow. Shannon rushed to her side and put her arm around Katie's shoulder. She held her tight and whispered into her ear.
"It's okay sweetie. I know it hurts, but it's there. It's there, it's ugly, and it's not going to leave because you're hiding from it. All that pain and sadness is there. You know what? That's okay. It's not wrong to hurt. It's not your fault you're sad. Life does that. How you handle it is what counts. I know it's scary, but I'm here for you. You have love and support, you just have to use it."
"I never even cried for him Shannon."
"You need to dear. You need to grieve. You may not need to cry, but you need to grieve. You didn't just loose Alex. You lost your future, your future with him. We're gonna get through this. I promise."
Katie sat in Shannon's arms and let tears form. Deep, sorrowful tears fell passionately as the minutes passed. After a while Katie began to breathe again and settle down. She was still deeply hurt, but she was in control again. She looked at Shannon holding her and felt embarrassment and shame. Those feelings faded as she knew that her best friend only cared for her and wanted her to get better.
"Shannon...thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. You're my friend. I love you. You have to know that people do love you. Let's go to bed. Call off work tomorrow. Skip your night class. We'll go out. I have a friend I'd like you to meet. He's a few years older than you, but he's a nice guy. I'll get Shawn and we'll just hang out. I won't say anything to him. We'll just be a group of friend's taking it easy."
"You and your boyfriend. Me and another one of your friends. Sounds like a double date to me."
"No. I promise, just cause I'm getting Shawn to tag along doesn't make this a double date. Just fun. Promise."
"Well...okay. I'm definitely ready for bed at any rate. I'm tired and worn out."
"I know. Let's try to get some rest."
The girls cleaned up the kitchen and turned out all of the lights before settling into bed. As Katie began to climb into bed, she felt that it was still a wet mess.
"Shannon, would you mind if I slept with you in your bed tonight? I know it's big enough for the both of us and my bed is kinda..."
"Yeah. I don't mind. I got lots of warm blankets and plenty of pillows. C'mon. Let's just get some shut eye."
Lying in the bed next to Shannon, for the first time Katie felt a small measure of peace. Mostly pain and hurt filled her heart, but she knew that what she felt was real. Peace came from knowing that she was no longer hiding. At least one person knew she hurt, and they also knew the depths of her hurt. That was comforting to Katie. The last thought she had before exhaustion overwhelmed her was what Shannon's mysterious friend was like.
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